Editing the crHeader and crFooter

Questions and answers about ShopSite Custom Templates

Editing the crHeader and crFooter

Postby PatLee » Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:31 pm

Hi all

I'm about done with the building of the store but can't seem to do anything with the header and footer of the customer registration screens.

I did set the default to cr_default
I did then edited the crHeader

But even after saving the file, no change seems to be made at the CR screens.

- This lack of formatting only appears when using the Checkout button after selecting products.
- It then goes to the intervention (sign in or sign up) and all falls out of place.

- If instead I click My Account, from the cart screen in the left menu.. it all falls in nice and center, simple.

Really all I want to do is center it all .. no matter what .. and can't figure out why one way it works and another .. it doesn't.
( http://sigsthealth.coolcom.com/store/index.html )

Any help would really be appreciated.
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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:25 pm

Re: Editing the crHeader and crFooter

Postby Jim » Tue Jun 26, 2012 1:33 pm

For starters, you are using an incorrect url for your secure url. The customer registration screen is loading from https://sigsthealth.coolcom.com/cgi-bin/sc/registration.cgi?... but I get a browser warning that it has an invalid certificate. The error screen says:
sigsthealth.coolcom.com uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is only valid for the following names:
*.securesites.com , securesites.com

(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)
So you need to either get a certificate for your own domain name or ask your host for the proper way to use their secure certificate.

Things appear centered on the screen on all the customer registration screens I went to after creating an account. What screen isn't centered for you?

If you are talking about the checkout screen, where the shopper enters payment information, addresses etc, that would have nothing to do with the cr_header. The header for that screen typically comes from Commerce Setup > Order System > Checkout > Text at the top of the Checkout screen:. (Note there are similar fields for the Shopping cart, Confirmation and Thankyou screens for a header and also for a footer.) You could define a separate file and include it in your custom template if you want, but there isn't a specific global header in ShopSite for that particular screen. Note that all urls on the Checkout, Confirmation and Thankyou screens need to be secure urls or browsers will give warning of content not being secure.
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