15 Page Limit even in Pro?

General ShopSite user discussion

15 Page Limit even in Pro?

Postby ajhauser » Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:44 pm

When we try to publish the following page we receive the error "Of the 17 pages requested, only 15 were created - the maximum number of pages allowed - the last page will contain any extra products". As you can see, 15 pages are showing up...


Is there a way to adjust this, or can I only increase the number of items on each page?
Also, is there a way to have the pages list as something like this so there isn't such a long line?

<< < 1 2 3 4... 35 36 > >>

Thanks very much.
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Re: 15 Page Limit even in Pro?

Postby Jim » Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:34 pm

Starter stores have a 5 page limit and 15 products. The limit you are hitting is what you have set on the Pages > Edit Page Layout in the field dealing with the number of products on pagination pages that you want to allow. It is not a hard limit set for actual pages , only for the number pf paginated pages generated when you specify a limit of x products on a page and you assign more than that many to the page (evidently at least 15 times more) There is also a setting on Utilities > Publish for the max number of pagination pages to generate. So you an either increase the number of products per page or the number of pagination pages you want and the message will go away. Note that when you exceed the number of pages you specify all remain products will be displayed on the last page generated, so all your products are still being displayed to the shoppers.
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Re: 15 Page Limit even in Pro?

Postby ajhauser » Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:51 pm

That is a great fail-safe. You nailed it - Utilities>Publish was where I had 15 set. Right below that there was the # to display along with "Next Set".

Thank you very much.
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