Based on the information here:
Item is NOT a subproduct. It definitely has a ProductQOH of 100, the ProductField1 set to 5 for "4 to 5 weeks".
After publish, the availability is output as "Availability: In stock Ships approx 4 to 5 Weeks after placing order "
It should just show "Availability: Ships in approx 4 to 5 weeks after placing order".
Based on this code,
- Code: Select all
<!-- availability -->
[-- IF PRODUCT.Subproduct --]
# do not show availability for Master Product
[-- ELSE --]
<b>Availability: </b>
[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.Field1 "2" --]Ships approx 1 to 2 Weeks after placing order
[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.Field1 "3" --]Ships approx 2 to 3 Weeks after placing order
[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.Field1 "4" --]Ships approx 3 to 4 Weeks after placing order
[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.Field1 "5" --]Ships approx 4 to 5 Weeks after placing order
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
<!-- end availability -->
why would the MOREINFOINVENTORYACTUAL output be written to this product's page when the PRODUCT.Field1 is clearly not 1? It shouldn't matter if the QOH is empty, 0, or 10,000. Unless PRODUCT.Field1 is set to 1, the MOREINFOINVENTORYACTUAL tag shouldn't execute, right? Is this a bug? I can throw any number of conditions at it (and am), but it still writes the ajax code to check inventory and displays the output regardless of where MOREINFOINVENTORYACTUAL is being called in the process.
I use a variety of IF/THEN to display to display product details like this for different products and have never run into this and that leads me to believe that it could be a bug during publish. Any chance you could try it on the demo store and see if it works conditionally on another setup?