How do I create db tables? I have Shopsite Manager.
This is what I want to do. I need to have designer table and product table. On my pages I would display products( images, price) based on a designer.
Can I do this? Thank you.
# set the designer in VAR.Designer
[--VAR.Designer designer1 --]
[-- loop products --]
[-- product --]
[-- End_loop --]
#set next designer
[--VAR.Designer designer2 --]
[-- loop products --]
[-- product --]
[-- End_loop --]
#set the VAR for each designer and repeat the loop products section for as many designers as you have.
# You could use a page extra field (or more) to contain the designer for that page or loop through
#the extra page fields to set the VAR.Designer value instead of hard coding the desinger name into the page template. In that case you would change the [--VAR.Designer designerX--] to [--VAR.Designer page.fieldX --] You would have to code that section as many times as you have designers for a page but the page template could be used for multiple individual pages.
[-- IF VAR.Designer Product.fieldx --]
# output the product info
[-- product.graphic --] <br> [-- product.price --]
[-- ELSE --]
[-- END_IF --]
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