upgrading from 8 to 10

General ShopSite user discussion

upgrading from 8 to 10

Postby jimdill » Sun May 06, 2012 6:41 am

I have been running ShopSite 8 on my host system for years. I just noticed there is a button I can click to upgrade to 10. I assume this is a good thing to do, but I'm wondering if it will cause me to have to rebuild my site, or fix any breakage, or just how much upheaval might be involved. Thanks for any help.

-- Jim
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Re: upgrading from 8 to 10

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Mon May 07, 2012 8:25 am


It is possible for our hosting partners to upgrade a store through multiple versions without disrupting the store or losing data; however, that being said, we do recommend doing a complete backup of your website so that it can be restored in the event that something does go wrong.

Where is your website hosted? If it is a hosting partner who will do the upgrade themselves (and not use a third-party installation application), then you can call and see if they have any further recommendations besides a backup before upgrading.
ShopSite Nicole
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Re: upgrading from 8 to 10

Postby jimdill » Mon May 07, 2012 8:58 am

Thanks Nicole.

Regarding the backup -- I clicked the Backup button under Database, then made a local copy of the "store" folder. Is there more to it than that? Do I really need to back up the whole site?

The host I use is Verio, one of your partners. I did call them and was told that clicking Upgrade would not affect the operation of the site. But the guy on the phone didn't really seem to know much. He didn't mention doing a backup.

-- Jim
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Re: upgrading from 8 to 10

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Mon May 07, 2012 9:10 am


Verio is a partner who, so far as I am aware, does not use a third-party for upgrades. They would know best if there might be an issue with pressing the upgrade button. I always recommend performing a backup anyway. Better safe than sorry.

Clicking Backup in ShopSite will make a copy of your ShopSite database in a different area on the server. It does not, however, backup your web pages in the output directory itself. If you have any non-ShopSite data which you are worried could be affected (or if you want to backup your published web pages), then I would definitely recommend making a backup of your entire website or asking Verio to do that for you.

-ShopSite Nicole
ShopSite Nicole
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Re: upgrading from 8 to 10

Postby jimdill » Mon May 07, 2012 9:41 am

Ok, thanks. I'll be back if I do the upgrade and have problems after that.
Posts: 6
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