shopsite database size

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shopsite database size

Postby Laith Farjo » Tue Dec 17, 2002 7:40 pm

Our crummy service provider, interland, has told us we're over our quota
limit, and no they can't extend our limit without wrecking our shopsite.

I've deleted many customers off our orders database, but i'm not sure the
actual size of the file changed. Is there anything more I can do to free up
some space?

Also, where is the backup stored? Our tools menu indicates it is 4 meg


(Shopsite Pro 5)

Laith Farjo
Laith Farjo

Re: shopsite database size

Postby loren_d_c » Tue Dec 17, 2002 9:00 pm

Increasing your quota should not cause your ShopSite to be 'wrecked',
the only reason it MIGHT even be an issue is if they would have to move
you do a different partition or server in order to increase your quota.

The binary database file does not get smaller just by deleting an order,
the space inside the file that was occupied by the deleted order is
marked on an internal free space map which frees it up for use by future
orders, however the physical size of the db file remains constant until
more space is needed than there is free internally, at which point the
file size grows. A couple of things that can decrease the physical size
of your binary orders databases are 1) an upgrade, since the databases
are upgraded by only copying non-deleted orders over to a new fresh
database or 2) by using the Empty Database function, which basically
copies brand new empty orders databases over your current orders
databases (you will loose all current order data from ShopSite, so if
you do this, make sure you download the orders to a tab delimited file
if there is data you want to preserve).

The backups made within ShopSite are in the same ShopSite Data Directory
as the live db's, they are named the same filenames as the live db's but
with an added .bak extension. If you don't know where your ShopSite Data
Directory is located on the server, look at the bottom of the
Preferences -> Hosting Service menu, the server file path to it is
listed there.


Laith Farjo wrote:
Our crummy service provider, interland, has told us we're over our quota
limit, and no they can't extend our limit without wrecking our shopsite.

I've deleted many customers off our orders database, but i'm not sure the
actual size of the file changed. Is there anything more I can do to free up
some space?

Also, where is the backup stored? Our tools menu indicates it is 4 meg


(Shopsite Pro 5)

Laith Farjo
Posts: 2572
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

Re: shopsite database size

Postby Norman » Tue Dec 17, 2002 9:00 pm

I thought that we were the last to leave interland but apparently not.
Interland tried to move us to a more expensive plan claiming that we had been so
successful that we were over our quota limit (hopefully we're talking about the
same quota). I didn't believe it so I started checking files. We actually had
200megs of ancient log files, unrelated to ShopSite, sitting on the server.
Interland does not delete old log files, just renames them and leaves them on
the server. I deleted the old ones and freed up 200megs of space, solving the
problem. I just got into a routine of going to the log directory once a month
and deleting the old log files.
You might as well get ready to change to a different service provider during
your offseason. The last thing that happened, Interland said that it would do
not anymore ShopSite upgrades. As shopping software is an ongoing evolutionary
product, we started looking for a new provider during the offseason. We are now
at Lexiconn and have been there about 2 months. Their tech support has been
wonderful and it is the first time that we have had a fully functioning version
of ShopSite (Interland never could get some of the reports working at all).
Lexiconn also did a major upgrade from pro 4.1 to 6.1 with no problems.

1 Ocean Boulevard
Beautiful, Quality Swimwear

Laith Farjo wrote:

Our crummy service provider, interland, has told us we're over our quota
limit, and no they can't extend our limit without wrecking our shopsite.

I've deleted many customers off our orders database, but i'm not sure the
actual size of the file changed. Is there anything more I can do to free up
some space?

Also, where is the backup stored? Our tools menu indicates it is 4 meg


(Shopsite Pro 5)

Laith Farjo

Re: shopsite database size

Postby Laith Farjo » Wed Dec 18, 2002 6:33 am

Thank you both for your detailed comments.

Yes #@%!$ Interland told us we were over limit and wanted us to switch to a
different server system (at 4 times the cost). AND, they do not think that
shopsite will run on this new server, nor will they support the move. Until
then, they keep shutting off our email.

I happen to be talking to Lexiconn right now about the switch! They are
more pricey than what interland has for us now, but I think you're right -
it would be nice to actually have support.

I looked at the log file issue - ours are humungous. But I have been
assured by interland, for what it's worth, that the logs are not included in
our space allocation. Part of the problem is that Interland seems to use 8K
blocks on its servers, so even our tiniest product graphics that are 234
bytes take up 8K. Maybe this is just standard, I don't know.

Thanks again... Laith

"Laith Farjo" <> wrote in message
Our crummy service provider, interland, has told us we're over our quota
limit, and no they can't extend our limit without wrecking our shopsite.

I've deleted many customers off our orders database, but i'm not sure the
actual size of the file changed. Is there anything more I can do to free
some space?

Also, where is the backup stored? Our tools menu indicates it is 4 meg


(Shopsite Pro 5)

Laith Farjo

Laith Farjo

Re: shopsite database size

Postby Brandon Eley » Wed Dec 18, 2002 7:08 am

You haven't moved away from Interland yet? Go to Lexiconn or NetNWeb... both
are 100000000% better than Interland (coming from an ex-Interland customer)

We're currently with NetNWeb and the price and service is not even
comparible... they far outshine Interland in every way. Best of luck,

Brandon Eley

"Laith Farjo" <> wrote in message
Our crummy service provider, interland, has told us we're over our quota
limit, and no they can't extend our limit without wrecking our shopsite.

I've deleted many customers off our orders database, but i'm not sure the
actual size of the file changed. Is there anything more I can do to free
some space?

Also, where is the backup stored? Our tools menu indicates it is 4 meg


(Shopsite Pro 5)

Laith Farjo

Brandon Eley

Re: shopsite database size

Postby Larry Bohen » Wed Dec 18, 2002 12:38 pm

We ( have been with for 3+ years and
have found their service outstanding!

"Norman" <> wrote in message
I thought that we were the last to leave interland but apparently
Interland tried to move us to a more expensive plan claiming that we had
been so
successful that we were over our quota limit (hopefully we're talking
about the
same quota). I didn't believe it so I started checking files. We actually
200megs of ancient log files, unrelated to ShopSite, sitting on the
Interland does not delete old log files, just renames them and leaves them
the server. I deleted the old ones and freed up 200megs of space, solving
problem. I just got into a routine of going to the log directory once a
and deleting the old log files.
You might as well get ready to change to a different service provider
your offseason. The last thing that happened, Interland said that it
would do
not anymore ShopSite upgrades. As shopping software is an ongoing
product, we started looking for a new provider during the offseason. We
are now
at Lexiconn and have been there about 2 months. Their tech support has
wonderful and it is the first time that we have had a fully functioning
of ShopSite (Interland never could get some of the reports working at
Lexiconn also did a major upgrade from pro 4.1 to 6.1 with no problems.

1 Ocean Boulevard
Beautiful, Quality Swimwear

Laith Farjo wrote:

Our crummy service provider, interland, has told us we're over our quota
limit, and no they can't extend our limit without wrecking our shopsite.

I've deleted many customers off our orders database, but i'm not sure
actual size of the file changed. Is there anything more I can do to
free up
some space?

Also, where is the backup stored? Our tools menu indicates it is 4 meg


(Shopsite Pro 5)

Laith Farjo
Larry Bohen

Re: shopsite database size

Postby Laith Farjo » Wed Dec 18, 2002 8:37 pm

Thanks for your advice everyone.
This morning I called lexiconn to get set up.
This afternoon, my entire site has been ported over, my shopsite upgraded,
and all my products/pages moved. I'm very impressed! Time to see if it all

"Laith Farjo" <> wrote in message
Our crummy service provider, interland, has told us we're over our quota
limit, and no they can't extend our limit without wrecking our shopsite.

I've deleted many customers off our orders database, but i'm not sure the
actual size of the file changed. Is there anything more I can do to free
some space?

Also, where is the backup stored? Our tools menu indicates it is 4 meg


(Shopsite Pro 5)

Laith Farjo

Laith Farjo

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