Terrible Checkout Layout on Shopsite 5.01

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Terrible Checkout Layout on Shopsite 5.01

Postby webMaster » Thu Dec 12, 2002 8:00 pm

We have lived with this problem for a long time... but I'm trying to resolve
it now...

In shopsite 5.01, the layout and html on the shopping cart and checkout
pages is just terrible. The billing entry fields appear before the name of
the field and they are all aligned to the left outside of any table
structure unlike the rest of the page that is centered! Same with the
shipping fields.

For quite some time we have worked around this by using HTML comment tags
(like this <-- Billing Address ) to hide most of what shopsite generates
dynamically and we placed our own rewritten version of the default HTML in
the "bottom of the screen" fields.

Recently however, we've discovered a couple problems in taking this
approach... one being that it is not possible to manually display any
dynamic variables that shopsite is using on the checkout page.

Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone know if SHOPSITE released
any kind of fix or upgrad from version 5.01 that resolves this issue?

Re: Terrible Checkout Layout on Shopsite 5.01

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Dec 12, 2002 9:25 pm

In ShopSite v6.x the order of the text fields and field lables is
switched, with the labels now on the left and fields on the right, both
in separate columns of a table, and the text is right aligned and the
fields are left aligned which gives it a nice centered look. ShopSite
v6.0 has been out for about a year, and v6.1 has been out for quite a
few months too. You can get a demo to try at

What I have seen done in quite a few v5 and earlier ShopSite carts is
1) start your own table in the fields for text at the top of the
shopping cart screen and end it in the text at the bottom, this way you
can force everything in between into whatever size table width you want.
2) put blockquote tags at the end of a text setting for some piece of
text immediately prior to the checkout fields, like maybe the Billing
Address text field (see Preferences -> Store Text -> Checkout).
Blockquote will act as a sort of tab spacer for everything after it and
it will move the fields over to the right away from the left edge of the


webMaster wrote:
We have lived with this problem for a long time... but I'm trying to resolve
it now...

In shopsite 5.01, the layout and html on the shopping cart and checkout
pages is just terrible. The billing entry fields appear before the name of
the field and they are all aligned to the left outside of any table
structure unlike the rest of the page that is centered! Same with the
shipping fields.

For quite some time we have worked around this by using HTML comment tags
(like this <-- Billing Address ) to hide most of what shopsite generates
dynamically and we placed our own rewritten version of the default HTML in
the "bottom of the screen" fields.

Recently however, we've discovered a couple problems in taking this
approach... one being that it is not possible to manually display any
dynamic variables that shopsite is using on the checkout page.

Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone know if SHOPSITE released
any kind of fix or upgrad from version 5.01 that resolves this issue?
Posts: 2572
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
Location: Anywhere

Re: Terrible Checkout Layout on Shopsite 5.01

Postby webMaster » Fri Dec 13, 2002 12:18 am

Thanks. I figured there was no real workaround.

We'll just make do for the moment and will upgrade to 6 soon.

Does anybody know if version 6 has better layout customization options for
the cart and checkout screens?

ShopSite should consider a feature to allow users to completely custom
design the order and checkout screens using a process similar to the
tag-based custom templates. This would be an excellent enhancement to the

"Loren" <loren_d_c@yahoo.com> wrote in message
In ShopSite v6.x the order of the text fields and field lables is
switched, with the labels now on the left and fields on the right, both
in separate columns of a table, and the text is right aligned and the
fields are left aligned which gives it a nice centered look. ShopSite
v6.0 has been out for about a year, and v6.1 has been out for quite a
few months too. You can get a demo to try at

What I have seen done in quite a few v5 and earlier ShopSite carts is
1) start your own table in the fields for text at the top of the
shopping cart screen and end it in the text at the bottom, this way you
can force everything in between into whatever size table width you want.
2) put blockquote tags at the end of a text setting for some piece of
text immediately prior to the checkout fields, like maybe the Billing
Address text field (see Preferences -> Store Text -> Checkout).
Blockquote will act as a sort of tab spacer for everything after it and
it will move the fields over to the right away from the left edge of the


webMaster wrote:

We have lived with this problem for a long time... but I'm trying to
it now...

In shopsite 5.01, the layout and html on the shopping cart and checkout
pages is just terrible. The billing entry fields appear before the name
the field and they are all aligned to the left outside of any table
structure unlike the rest of the page that is centered! Same with the
shipping fields.

For quite some time we have worked around this by using HTML comment
(like this <-- Billing Address ) to hide most of what shopsite generates
dynamically and we placed our own rewritten version of the default HTML
the "bottom of the screen" fields.

Recently however, we've discovered a couple problems in taking this
approach... one being that it is not possible to manually display any
dynamic variables that shopsite is using on the checkout page.

Has anyone else experienced this and does anyone know if SHOPSITE
any kind of fix or upgrad from version 5.01 that resolves this issue?

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