SSL Misunderstanding(s)

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SSL Misunderstanding(s)

Postby ajhauser » Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:39 pm

Hey everyone,
I am in the process of setting up my first ShopSite store. I have never used an SSL certificate before, so I'm a little confused. The certificate is installed and can be seen at

I am not sure how to set this up on the back office though - I would like to use it with the shopping cart and with the merchant interface. When I changed the merchant interface image location though, I lost every image all styling elements and the page displayed as text only. So I must be doing something wrong.

Also, when I use what I think is the secure URL, I get the following error:

The following error was encountered testing the "ShopSite secure URL":
Server returned error: 404

How can I find the:

Shopping Cart secure URL:
Secure Store URL:
ShopSite secure URL:
ShopSite Images secure URL:

Thanks very much.
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Re: SSL Misunderstanding(s)

Postby ajhauser » Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:42 pm

Follow Up:

Is there any disadvantage to just having the entire site run as https instead of http by default? Should I have just done that from the get-go?
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Re: SSL Misunderstanding(s)

Postby loren_d_c » Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:59 pm

"Is there any disadvantage to just having the entire site run as https instead of http by default? Should I have just done that from the get-go?"

Yes, it is not necessary and SSL pages can load slower, so only use it where necessary.

Try these settings:

Shopping Cart secure URL:

Secure Store URL:

ShopSite secure URL:

ShopSite Images secure URL:

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Re: SSL Misunderstanding(s)

Postby ajhauser » Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:29 pm

Hey thank you Loren - I will go try these settings now.

Another quick question. I am using the [-- VAR.URL --] method to secure a few of my templates, as seen in the Secure Includes vid in the Custom Template Tutorials. The method is working, but I am wondering if there is a way to see what is still not secure on this page?

I am using FireFox and it is telling me that not everything was encrypted when transferred. I think all my images are ok, and my scripts and CSS should be too... could it be the ShopSite scripts, like this one?

Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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Re: SSL Misunderstanding(s)

Postby ajhauser » Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:47 pm

Looks like iframe_popout.js is the offender - where is this coming from, and how can I get at this to set up the URL to pull [--VAR.URL --]?

Thanks, making progress! Those links worked perfectly too!
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Re: SSL Misunderstanding(s)

Postby ajhauser » Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:40 am

Crap - ok for sure this is the problem file. The src is set to http. Any idea how I can get at this?

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

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