OK I've spent the better part of three days massaging nearly 15K products trying in vain to get my datafeed approved by Google. Some of the rejections just don't make sense to me.
For instance, Google says that you must have a UPC code OR the Brand and the Manufacturers Part Number (MPN). Well, I'm getting errors saying that the UPC code is missing on products that DON"T HAVE UPC code but do have Brand and MPN present. UPC codes, for those who may not know this, are not free and many manufacturers opt NOT incur the cost and don't register their products for UPC. At first I thought MAYBE the product does have a UPC code but my supplier has not provided it to me so Google knows that a UPC code exists for this product. Plausible. BUT I have products that I know for a fact don't have UPC codes and Google is still rejecting them. Maddening!
I've been on Googles Merchant Forum and was at least comforted in the fact that I'm not alone. These issues are common especially among smaller retailers. The consensus is that if you're not an Amazon, Google doesn't give a rats - about you. What ever happened to Google's business motto to "Do No Evil". I guess its another proof that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Anyway, here's where my Google Merchant Account stands at the moment:
1) My account is suspended. For how long? I don't know. They don't say. What they do say is that if I don't fix the errors I could be suspended permanently.
2) All my items have been removed from Google Product Search.
3) My traffic is down by at least 60%
4) Sales are in the toilet
5) I've wasted three days trying to fix something that apparently is not fixable.
My thought is this,
1) I'm going to upload an empty feed.
2) Let everything just clear out.
3) Wait for the omnipotent Google Gods to reinstate my account (of course I'll probably be out of business by then)
4) Slowly load products back over time
Comments, suggestions and mortgage donations will be greatly appreciated.