Coupon section - improvement needed

General ShopSite user discussion

Coupon section - improvement needed

Postby actechbooks » Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:27 pm

I was wondering if there was a plan to improve the coupon section of shopsite. It is currently very painful to use! Some issues I've found:

1) Search for "specific products" in the coupon section of shopsite is difficult to use. Often, we are adding coupons that are valid for a set of specific products and due to the amount of products we sell, scrolling and ctrl selecting 5-10 products in an alphabetized list of product names is very tedious and difficult to do successfully. Not only do you have to know the product name exactly to find it in the list, as there is no sku listed, if you miss a product or accidentally forget to hold the ctrl key down, you have to start from scratch. SUGGESTION: please offer a way to build a product list by selecting products individually, then adding more products of removing products if necessary. i

2) Add a PowerEdit feature for coupons. If you have 100 coupons and want to change the expiration date on all of them, you could select poweredit and the date, than update for all. Just like you can with products.

3) Add a selection option in the coupon settings that allows you to "only allow 1 of each selected product". This is similar to the option in shopsite already, but will allow the coupon to be used on all products in your selected list rather than just 1 of them. Also, it would allow only quantity of 1 of each product to be redeemed and not more than 1 which is currently the case.

If there are ways of improving the processes I mentioned above, please let me know. Otherwise, an udpate the coupon area would be appreciated!

Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Nov 07, 2007 2:18 pm

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