Parameter is Incorrect & Pictures loading issues!

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Parameter is Incorrect & Pictures loading issues!

Postby ahauer » Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:11 pm

Hello -

I use Shopsite 10.0 through my host EasyCGI. I have been experiencing MAJOR issues with product images loading on my site AND sometimes an error message comes up that says the "parameters are incorrect". EasyCGI says it could be because I operate off of a shared server instead of a virtual private server and there are too many people shopping all of the sites on that server.

I am having a hard time believing that is the case. The pictures not loading and the parameter is incorrect message are extremely disruptive to the shopping experience and I have gotten messages from customers asking if the site is not working properly.

Have you heard of this issue and have any suggestions on how else this could be fixed!!!

Thanks- ANne Marie
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:59 am

Re: Parameter is Incorrect & Pictures loading issues!

Postby Jim » Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:12 am

Some hosts put thousands, even 10s of thousands of stores on a single server. It is quite possible that if the server is over loaded you would have problems getting images to load.

The "parameter is incorrect" message doesn't sound like a server issue though. I sounds like maybe you have something wrong in a form that is being submitted. Are you able to recreate the problem on a specific page or when adding a particular product to the cart? If you can, please post a url to that page so we can see what it is doing.
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Re: Parameter is Incorrect & Pictures loading issues!

Postby ahauer » Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:26 am

Hi Jim -

The parameter is incorrect issue happens so randomly. I just clicked through a bunch and here is a link where it just happened...
However if I refresh a few times the product page eventually loads.
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Re: Parameter is Incorrect & Pictures loading issues!

Postby Jim » Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:09 pm

I tried clicking around on a bunch of pages in both Firefox and Chrome and couldn't get the Parameter is not correct error message. What browser are you using when you see it?

The images really do load randomly. I'm pretty sure that is something that you host is limiting some how. I have never seen it happen like that on other ShopSite stores. Even if you do a reload of the page, images which should have been cached don't reappear and ones that weren't there before do display. You host may have a very small time limit for any server access and when that time is up nothing more is sent. I have seen where an image appears briefly and then disappears like the page is loading multiple times. You might check your code and see if there is something that is causing a reload of the page before the page completes loading.
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Re: Parameter is Incorrect & Pictures loading issues!

Postby ahauer » Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:51 pm

Hi Jim -

I have been working with EasyCGI my host and after well over a month the issue with the images not loading and the parameter is correct error is still not fixed! I am SO disheartened. It may not be a Shopsite issue but I did want to mention something I am seeing which maybe you could help with.

Right now I am seeing maybe only 25% of the total images load.
on those images that don't load, some show the image file name and some images don't show the image file name. On those images that DON"T show the file name, the link goes to the Parameter is incorrect error page.

Have you seen this before?

Thanks- Anne Marie
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:59 am

Re: Parameter is Incorrect & Pictures loading issues!

Postby robm » Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:31 pm


When I go to:

and I refresh the page a number of times, sometimes the images all appear, sometimes a few don't, and it changes after each page load. The html code looks correct, the images all do exist, but the rendering of the page is not consistent.

This seems like a hosting issue, as the page is a static html page, so it's not ShopSite that would be causing images to randomly appear. We've never seen this behavior for any of our ShopSite clients.

Hopefully you and your host can figure out the issue.

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Re: Parameter is Incorrect & Pictures loading issues!

Postby ahauer » Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:49 pm

We do think its a server issue but just wanted to double check we hadn't missed anything - can't rule anything out at this point.

Thanks for your speedy response ROb!

Anne Marie
Posts: 13
Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:59 am

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