We have placed the minicart on our pages.
The code in the template look like this:
<div><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">DisplayMiniCart("ss_cart_[-- STORE_Serial_Number --]","Subtotal","[-- VAR.HeaderCartIcon --]");</script></div>
which results is something that typically looks like this in the page:
<div style="text-align: left;"><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">DisplayMiniCart("ss_cart_0001388990","Subtotal","white");</script></div>
As soon as I add a product the text changes from white to the same as a default link colour, which as its dark blue against a black background it means its hard to see. Instead I want it to always remain white, no matter what.
Anyone know the CSS code I need or where I can change the color for just for the minicart?