Change Add To Cart button

General ShopSite user discussion

Change Add To Cart button

Postby hotlobstah » Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:13 am

I'm using the awesome blue theme and am attempting to change the Add To Cart button. I uploaded the new button, selected it correctly on Store Pages then also changed it on the product layout page for all products. The only place new button currently appears is on the Cross Sell area on the Cart contents page during checkout. How can I apply this button to all instances where the Add To Cart button would be viewed?

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Re: Change Add To Cart button

Postby Jim » Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:34 am

The awesome theme is designed to use special buttons that are in the ShopSite provided images location. There is no way to just change the button for the product and have it affect the buttons on the generated page.

You would need to edit the product template and change the code to use the products add to cart image instead of the built in images.
The format of the template file for the view cart button is
Code: Select all
<a class="link_name" href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL --]"><img class="link_image" align="center" src="[-- ShopSite_Images --][-- VAR.button_path --]/[-- VAR.view_button_name --]" alt="view cart"></a>

The add to cart button code looks like
Code: Select all
<a class="pr_addtocart_button" href="[-- PRODUCT.AddToCartURL --]"><img class="pr_addtocart_button" alt="Add to Cart" src="[-- ShopSite_Images --][-- VAR.button_path --]/[-- VAR.add_button_name --]" border="0"></a>

In either case you would need to change the part
Code: Select all
[-- ShopSite_Images --][-- VAR.button_path --]/[-- VAR.xx_button_name --]

Both of those buttons are used in numerous places in the template depending on which features are turned on in the store. So you would need to change all of them to be sure that the button works as you want. You would replace the tags
Code: Select all
[-- ShopSite_Images --][-- VAR.button_path --]/[-- VAR.add_button_name --]
Code: Select all
 [-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/media/[-- AddImage Image_Name --]
and for the View cart image
Code: Select all
[-- OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_URL --]/media/[-- ViewImage Image_Name --]

The Awesome theme is one of the most complex that is included with ShopSite so it is not the easiest one to make changes too. If the thought of changing the template gives you a bit of fear, you might want to look at some of the other themes and see if they will meet your needs.
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