Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

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Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby marcea » Sun Nov 27, 2011 11:29 pm

I am trying out the Reward Program for the first time. I would like to have a promotion with different reward offers that include
1. Qualifying items...everything in the store, buy any 2, then Free Gift of a particular product
2. Qualifying items...particular manufacturer products, buy any 2, then get a 3rd item from that manufacturer Free

Now...I set up categories for each of the offers:
Reward Program 1, Qualifying category is EVERY product in my store EXCEPT the products that are part of Reward Program 2). Reward category is just one product.
Reward Program 2, Qualifying category is let's say 20 products from one manufacturer, and the Reward category is the same.

When I tested ordering 2 items from my store, the Reward Program 1 message showed up in the Shopping Cart, just as it should. Free product could be ordered at $0 price. All is well.

But when I tested ordering 2 items from my Reward Program 2 message...and putting a 3rd item into the cart did not trigger a $0 Free price.

Is there some trick to having multiple Reward Programs running at once?
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby Jim » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:05 am

The qualifying categories can not overlap. If you have everything in the store except the reward item in a single category then there can only be one reward. In order to have multiple rewards you would have to have a select group of products, which are not in any other category, for each reward category you want to offer. If this is not done then once they have the required number of products in the cart for one reward they will get the reward for that category and would not be entitled to an additional reward.
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby marcea » Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:59 am

Thanks Jim. I might not understand you properly. I hoped I had resolved an "overlapping" issue, by having the Reward 1 including category "Everything in the Store Except manufacturer 2 products". And Reward 2 only involves categories of "manufacturer 2 products". Does that not fix it?

Or is my problem, you cannot use the same category as both your Qualifying and Reward categories (which seems necessary to have a 2-for-1 offer)?
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby Jim » Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:25 am

To test this I created 4 categories, one for vendor a products, one for vendor b products, one for reward for vendor a products and one for reward for vendor b products.

I then created 2 rewards, Vendor A reward, Vendor B reward. I assigned the Qualifying category as Vendor A products and the reward category as vendor a reward and likewise for the Vendor b product and reward item.

I went to my store, added 2 of the vendor a products and the notice of qualifying for a reward was displayed on the screen. I clicked the link and was taken to the reward page where I selected the reward and added it to the cart. I was added as 0.00 amount
I then added 2 products from vendor b and got the reward message again, clicked the link and added the reward product and it was added with 0.00 for the total price.

So I was able to use 2 rewards but had to have separate categories for the qualifying products.

You can use the same category for both the Qualifying products and the Reward products but once a category is used it can't be used for another reward. You can use the same products in multiple categories so if you need to have the same products used in different rewards you need to make a separate category for each reward.
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby marcea » Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:52 pm

Thank you for testing Jim. Sadly, it still does not work for me.

I set up "everything in store except Mfr 2" products as a Qualifying category for Reward 1. And the Reward Category for Reward 1 is a product not listed anywhere else.

I set up "Mfr 2 products" as a Qualifying category for Reward 2, and called it one name. Then set up the same Mfr 2 products" as a Reward category, and called it another name. Originally, I used the same category for both Qualifying and Reward.

But that still did not work. If I put the Mfr 2 products into my Shopping Cart, I do not see qualification for Reward 1 (which is accurate, I removed from from that Qualifying category). But I also do not get the Reward 2 functioning. Reward 2 is turned "on".

I just don't see where I am going wrong?
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby Jim » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:19 pm

By this statement "product not listed anywhere else." do you mean is not assigned to one of your pages? If so that could e the problem, try assigning it to a page and see if it works then.

There are quite a few sites using rewards so I know they will work once you get it set up.
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby marcea » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:34 pm

I meant that I do not have the Reward 1, Reward Category product included in any other reward categories.

I have tried and tried, but can only get the one reward to work. I tested if there might be a problem with more than one Reward Program running at once...but even if I turn "off" the working Reward Program 1...the other programs just do not work.

Is there any issue with using the same products in both the Qualifying Category and the Reward Category in the same Reward Program? I mean, that must be fine, when you are doing a 2-for-1 or similary program?
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby Jim » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:53 pm

There should be no problem having the same product in both the qualifying and reward categories.
If you have one reward working how did you do that one? It should be just the same for a second one.

Conflicts can arise when you have the same qualifying product(s) in multiple categories. If that is the case then there is no way to determine which Reward applies. So make sure that you don't have the same product in two different qualifying categories.
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby marcea » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:13 pm

When I tested by turning "off" the Reward 1 Program that is currently being promoted on my website. I tried just the simple "Mfr 2" program with just those products in both Qualifying and Reward categories. I turned it "on", with a 2012 expiration date, only "1" product required to qualify. It did not work when I put qualifying Mfr 2 items into the Shopping Cart.

I will wait until after my current Reward 1 Program is done, then delete it entirely, and try again. Sigh.

The only other thing I can think of...I have a custom Shopping Cart template, that initially did not have the Reward program put into it. I inserted the code between the "Customer Registration" and "Show Basket" includes:
#<!-- Reward Program -->#
#<!-- only appears if they've qualified. -->#
<td align="center">[-- SC_Reward_Program --]</td>

Is there another section of code required? Since it works fine for one Reward Program, not sure this is even remotely a cause for problem.
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby Jim » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:30 pm

If one reward is working the html shouldn't be an issue.

Make sure you empty your shopping cart before you try again as there may be something in the cart itself that is causing the issue.
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby marcea » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:23 pm

I've emptied the Shopping Cart, tried it on 2 different computers. But same issue.
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby jmonetcr » Tue Jul 24, 2012 4:52 pm

Did this ever get figured out? I am having the same issue.
Category 1: multiple products
Category 2: one product (not in category 1)
Nothing is happening in the cart at all. Can someone take a look? Add from this page:
Should add a free giftbox.
We are using orderanywhere for all products.
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Re: Multiple Rewards, why they might not work?

Postby marcea » Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:08 pm

I never did get a resolution to the issue, though it got elevated. The problem persisted, that if you have a StoreWide Reward, it would conflict with any Products Specific Reward (even if those products were omitted from the StoreWide list). Just nothing would work. I gave up trying, and only offer Products Specific Rewards, never anythign storewide.
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