Rewards Program

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Rewards Program

Postby kiawah » Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:39 am

I am having some challenges with the rewards program. I got it working earlier but now it does not appear to be working. I am using V10 sp1. When I try to purchase a product that is not on the rewards program the Reward Program Text (and name )does not show up. When I purchase the "Qualifying Category" product, the reward program text does show up but the free product does not show up in the shopping cart nor does the Reward name show up. This is frustrating because I had it working before. I tried publishing and doing a system generation and with different products with the same results. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Rewards Program

Postby Jim » Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:38 pm

That sounds like it is working correctly. You should only see the Reward message when the shopper qualifies for a reward. So adding a product that isn't part of that category will not trigger the message and adding one that does belong to the category should display the message.

As far as the reward product being added to the cart, that has never happened automatically. There is a link provided in the reward message to the page with the possible reward items. They need to go to that page (or any page with one of the reward category products on it) and add the product to the cart. Since there is the possibility that there is more than one potential reward product the software can't know which one it should automatically add one to the cart.
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Re: Rewards Program

Postby kiawah » Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:45 pm

Thanks Jim for your fast reply. When I had it set up before a product would show up in the shopping cart but it would be for free(the bonus product if they buy another product). I think what you are saying is that this is not suppose to happen, is that correct? Regarding the rewards page - the link to it does not show up.
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Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:47 am

Re: Rewards Program

Postby Jim » Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:50 pm

If you already have a reward product in the cart and you add additional products that help you to qualify for the reward then the item will be marked as free when you have enough other products in the cart. But if you just add that product to the cart by itself (or with others not in the qualifying group) then it should not be marked as free.

The link displays in my shopping cart. Depending on the template you are using it usually displays just above the table of products or just below the top banner on the page. It will have the text you assigned when you configured the Reward Program. Below the text will be a link to the page you specified when creating the reward, the text for the link is the reward name. You configure these settings under Merchandising > Reward Program >

Note if you created your own shopping cart template you must include the tags that display this information. the tag is
You can us it as an IF statement to see if the feature is turned on
[-- END_IF --]
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