How will I know the meaning of the response code?

General ShopSite user discussion

How will I know the meaning of the response code?

Postby m0nicka_12 » Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:59 pm

I can not billed my customer the error message:

The order was not processed.

Error message as follows:
Response Code: 3
Response Subcode: 2
Reason Code: 16
Reason: The transaction cannot be found.


The order was not processed.

Error message as follows:
Response Code: 3
Response Subcode: 2
Reason Code: 16
Reason: The transaction cannot be found.
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Joined: Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:55 pm

Re: How will I know the meaning of the response code?

Postby Jim » Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:55 pm

The response codes are what was returned from your payment gateway. You will need to contact them to find out what the codes mean.

In those 2 responses I would guess that the transaction was placed when the payment gateway was in test mode and you have now switched to live mode so there is no record of the transaction in your live account. Another possibility would be that the transaction was place using a different payment method than you are trying to bill if from. Or maybe the transaction was deleted or previously billed on the gateway side.

In any case you will need to contact the gateway for further details.
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