Image Sizes & More Infomation Graphic

General ShopSite user discussion

Image Sizes & More Infomation Graphic

Postby JCat » Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:18 pm

2 Questions if may:

1 - Is there a way to get more image sizes besides the one default and three additional sizes? I sell different formats of items with images that have to be defined by dimensions, and not percentages. The default size image is used for the more info page. Now, for checkout, and a special top sellers column, I wanted very small thumbnails, but I've used all available image realize options. Any ideas?

2 - Why can't there be a default for the product image to automatically assign the same product to the more information image? Older versions of Shopsite did this. If you left the more information graphic field blank, it would automatically put in the product image. As it is now, I have to select the same image twice for each product, which is redundant and a time waster. Shouldn't it default to using the same image unless you want the more information graphic to be different?

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Re: Image Sizes & More Infomation Graphic

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:06 pm

1) right above the extra more info image fields in the ShopSite back office, there should be a link to the Extra Field Setup. Click on that link and it will take you to a page where you can tell ShopSite to display more of those extra image fields. It can handle up to 20 additional images.

2) I do not know the answer to this one.

-ShopSite Nicole
ShopSite Nicole
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Re: Image Sizes & More Infomation Graphic

Postby Jim » Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:07 pm

What Nicole said will give you more extra image fields, but will not give you the ability to create additional image sizes in ShopSite. It is not possible to create additional resized images other than the 4 sizes that are presently allowed. If you need additional image sizes you would need to create the appropriate sized images outside of ShopSite and upload them to your media directory. You could then assign them to the extra image fields (or one of the extra page or product fields) and in your custom templates use those fields to build the code to display the image. To enable the extra image fields (or extra page and product fields) go to Preferences > Extra fields. You can set how many display on the product (page) screen and give a descriptive name to the field so you can more easily tell what the field is used for.

For the second part of the question. When we added the new image features such as automatically resizing images, separate image sizes for different image fields, the updated image selection methods, images on the shopping cart and search results, it required a rewrite of all the image code. To maintain consistency on backoffice screens, the image selection method was changed to work with all image fields. Previously it had functioned differently on some screens such as requiring the image name to be manually entered on some fields while other used a dropdown list. Setting the product and moreinfo image to the same value was another quirk that occurred only on the Product screen but no other back office screen allowed 2 images to be set at the same time. Because of streamlining of the code was no longer possible to populate multiple image fields with the same image. If you have lots of products and this is a problem, I recommend that you create a tab delimited or excel file and then upload the products. A simple formula in Excel or other application will put the same value in multiple locations so you only have to enter it in one location. Overall I think the much enhanced image features far out weigh this one minor inconvenience.
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