Publishing Shopsite to a Homepage

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Publishing Shopsite to a Homepage

Postby Everwilde » Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:33 pm

I have a website, and would like to publish the Shopsite theme throughout the Store, including the home page. I have had Shopsite for quite a few years, and realize that I cannot directly publish to anywhere except the directory, but is there an indirect way to do this? I have wondered about publishing to, and then redirecting traffic going to the home page there, but am not sure that I want to jeopardize the home page status that I have built up. I have also considered (and to some extent carried out) a publish to an unused page that I then view in a browser, copy the code to a html editor, and then publish from there. This is a real pain, which explains why the home page is never updated. Any thoughts on a good way to carry this out?
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Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:43 am

Re: Publishing Shopsite to a Homepage

Postby Jim » Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:19 am

Other than the options you mentioned, a bester way would be to get your host to create an <storeid>.auth file for your store that has the root directory,, instead of the directory as the authorized url. That would allow ShopSite to publish to the the root directory. That would also require a few other changes such as moving the images and changing some paths and urls in the store settings file <storeid>.aa in either the ss or sc directory depending on the operating system your store is hosted on.

Your host should be able to assist in doing the the reconfiguration. If your host can't assist and you have access to the server you can either do it yourself or purchase assistance from ShopSite at .
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Re: Publishing Shopsite to a Homepage

Postby Everwilde » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:07 am

Thanks so much, we will look into this.
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Re: Publishing Shopsite to a Homepage

Postby Everwilde » Wed Aug 24, 2011 11:48 am

Hostmoster said it was beyond them, so I am going to purchase some assistance and have Shopsite do it. I know it will be some bumps in the road, but it will make life a LOT easier. Could this have been avoided by a different install location in the first place? Just curious.
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Re: Publishing Shopsite to a Homepage

Postby Jim » Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:43 pm

You could have had it installed originally so that it went to the root of your domain instead of to the /store. (although some hosts automatically put it in /store). If it had been installed to the root of the domain, when you went through the setup wizard it would have warned you that an index.html already exists and asked if you want to keep it. If you said yes it would have given the main store page generated by ShopSite the file name ss_index.html (or something like that) so that it wouldn't have overwritten your initial index.html. However, if you had other pages created outside of ShopSite and gave them the same filename as the ones created in ShopSite, they would have been over written when you published your ShopSite store.
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Re: Publishing Shopsite to a Homepage

Postby Everwilde » Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:36 pm

I put in a request for the change, and within a few hours, it is done! You guys are great, and this has solved a huge headache that has lasted for quite a few years now. Thanks so much!!
Posts: 16
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:43 am

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