UPS Message: Timed out trying to communicate with UPS

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UPS Message: Timed out trying to communicate with UPS

Postby CopperCare » Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:19 am

We are running ShopSite 10.0 hosted via iPower. We are having problems with the UPS rating feature. At first our customers were receiving the "UPS Message: UPS OnLine Tool is not available. Try again later." message. I found the article in the knowledgebase about redirecting the ups_main_url to and forwarded it to the host. The host updated the file accordingly, but now we are receiving the following message: "UPS Message: Timed out trying to communicate with UPS". Does anyone have experience with this issue?

Article regarding redirect:

Also, while trying to Re-Register UPS we get the following message: "Time out has occurred while trying to communicate with UPS."

These issues seem to be related. Likely a bad URL. How do we instruct the host on correcting this problem?
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Re: UPS Message: Timed out trying to communicate with UPS

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:15 pm

Your hosting provider just needs to add the following value to your shipdata.aa file on the server:

It is a change I believe they have implemented on other stores and should not be difficult for them to do.

-ShopSite Nicole
ShopSite Nicole
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Re: UPS Message: Timed out trying to communicate with UPS

Postby Swine » Thu Aug 18, 2011 11:30 am

I can access the shipdata.aa file on the server, but I'm not sure what to do next. Do I simply add a line that reads:


Please help.

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Re: UPS Message: Timed out trying to communicate with UPS

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:15 pm

Yes, that is what the kbase article says to do:
If you have ShopSite 8.3.1 through 10 sp2 r2 and cannot upgrade to version 11 at this time, the domain used by ShopSite for UPS rates can be changed by editing the shipdata.aa file in the store's ShopSite Data Directory and adding the following line (note that this value is not already in the shipdata.aa file by default, you are adding this as a new line):

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Re: UPS Message: Timed out trying to communicate with UPS

Postby Swine » Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:31 pm

Thank you so much. UPS problem solved.
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