Add to cart button doesn't always take you to shopping cart

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Add to cart button doesn't always take you to shopping cart

Postby mevin » Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:05 pm


I'm having an issue with our shopsite v9 cart where even though we've set the preferences in the shopping cart, commerce setup area to take the customer to the their cart whenever they add an item, it only does it some of the time. I've noticed that if you start the process after dumping cookies, it works perfectly. But if you add a few things, then leave the store and come back later, you can add another item to your cart, but it stays on the product page.

Any ideas? We are planning on upgrading in the next few weeks/months, so maybe the upgrade will take care of the problem?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Add to cart button doesn't always take you to shopping c

Postby Jim » Mon Aug 15, 2011 2:48 pm

There are 2 settings related to the Show me my cart option:
Default for the "Show me my shopping cart" checkbox
Do not display the "Show me my shopping cart" check box

What do you have for those settings? What template are you using? If it is one you created did you include all of the necessary tags in the shopping cart template?
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Re: Add to cart button doesn't always take you to shopping c

Postby mevin » Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:28 pm

Hi Jim,

Thanks for responding so quickly.

Default for the "Show me my shopping cart" checkbox is checked

(Turns off the "Default for the "Show me my shopping cart" checkbox") is unchecked.

I'm using a custom template that I inherited from a previous administrator. As far as I know all the necessary tags are in the shopping cart template, but I can't be certain. It functionally works, in that products can be added to the cart and people can checkout OK. And again, when a new user (one without any of our cookies written to their browser cache) visits the site, they are taken to the cart after adding a product. It's just when they leave the site and come back, where the problem occurs.


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Re: Add to cart button doesn't always take you to shopping c

Postby Jim » Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:54 pm

What is the url to a store page?

Note that upgrading more than likely wouldn't change how it is functioning now. However, if there was a bug in that version (I don't think there was) and it was fixed in a later version that might make difference. You could check the ShopSite knowledge base to see if the issue is mentioned.

Note that there have been 4 major releases and a number of patches since version 9 so it would be a good idea to update to the latest version to get the new features as well as bug fixes. You can see a list of the new features at and then click on the New Features link for each version.
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Re: Add to cart button doesn't always take you to shopping c

Postby mevin » Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:22 pm

Hi Jim,

Sorry it took me so long to reply. Been crazy busy today. Here's the home page:


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Re: Add to cart button doesn't always take you to shopping c

Postby Jim » Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:10 pm

After adding one product to the cart, the cart displayed. When I continued shopping and added additional items to the cart I remained on the product page and was not taken to the cart.

The first thing to check is if you have the template tag for that field in your template. [-- SC_ShowBasket --] If that is not in the template the input field would be missing and that could cause a problem.

Next, try experimenting with the two settings Default for the "Show me my shopping cart" checkbox and Turns off the "Default for the "Show me my shopping cart" checkbox. Reverse the current settings and see what happens then. (Note that you need to empty the cart after making changes in the settings since the setting will be stored in the cart). If that doesn't work right try both check, both unchecked etc until you find a combination that works.
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Re: Add to cart button doesn't always take you to shopping c

Postby mevin » Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:03 am

So dumb question, [-- SC_ShowBasket --] needs to go into whatever template has the add to cart button in it?


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Re: Add to cart button doesn't always take you to shopping c

Postby Jim » Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:20 am

No, it needs to be in the shopping cart template.
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Re: Add to cart button doesn't always take you to shopping c

Postby mevin » Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:35 pm


That code seemed to do the trick. I'll have to do more testing to be sure, but I think it's working correctly now.

Thanks for all your help!!

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