I am using the basic Shop Site V10sp1 from my hosting site (Startlogic). I am using the "Order Anywhere" function using PayPal. everything works except I do not get a message from Shop Site for the order nor do I see and order in Shop Site. I do get a message from PayPal saying the payment is complete. I also get the following msg when I sign into Shop Site.
"There appear to be 2 new orders in your store that have not yet been processed by ShopSite. You must click on the "Manage My Store" button (above) and then process these orders through the "Orders" screen before you will be able to modify your installation settings."
When I go to Order's there are no order's. But, if I check the Reports I see the $$ values for the 2 order's.
I have opened support ticket with Startlogic but they have not be able to fix it. Any help would be appreciated.