by ShopSite Lauren » Fri Aug 12, 2011 10:00 am
If it is still in your store, it could be that an entire page was cached by someone's browser, so they were still able to see the add to cart button for that product, and when they added it to the cart, ShopSite was still able to find it in your store so it was able to be added to the cart. Another option would be if the product were subbmitted through the Google Product Search Feed, or something like that. If you have sale items with sale prices that you don't want, I would suggest changing the price to a higher price in your store or removing the product so that if someone, for one reason or another, is able to add the product to the cart, they will either get a message saying the product is no longer available or showing the product at the current price.
- ShopSite Lauren
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