Add Products Not Working in Shopsite 11

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Add Products Not Working in Shopsite 11

Postby DaveK » Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:16 pm


I am having a problem after upgrading to Shopsite 11 about 2 weeks ago. (I am on a Linux VPS system)

When i try to add a product or edit a product in advanced mode, all I get is the Shopsite top menu and a blank screen.
However, if I try to edit a product in basic mode, everything works fine.

I have contacted my webhosting provider, which is Verio, but there tech support has no clue. They did bump it up to level 2 tech support, but there is no response from them. Verio is the one that did the upgrade from version 10 to version 11 r1.

I did notice when they did the upgrade, some of the buttons in the menus where not showing up, but I fixed that by moving the buttons to the correct location into the folder /store/shopsite-images/en-US/buttons_new now they work.

I am wondering it this could be a permission settings problem with the files in Shopsite or the files in the store directory that is not letting me edit the products in advanced mode?

The shopsite data/shopsite_db file has a permission setting of 0664. I know there are javascripts in /store/shopsite-images/en-US/javascript/products and the persmissions there are 0755 on all files and directories. The owner and group are apache, while my website owner and group is set to studio1 and apache.

Also my store directory is set to owner and group as both apache.

I hope someone has an idea. I need to add new products and edit some of the existing products in adavaned mode.

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Re: Add Products Not Working in Shopsite 11

Postby Jim » Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:09 pm

This is not something that has been reported as a problem with 11 and there are lots of stores out there that are running it.

Can you get to the Pages screen and do thinks ok in advanced editing mode? (There was new functionality added to collapse and expand sections of the screen and maybe the javascript for that is missing)

What browser are you using? Have you tried a different browser?

Does it happen in both the old and new backoffice ui theme look? (utilities > backoffice UI > top field try both the white background and yellow background versions)

If you view the page source on the screen that is broken where does it stop in the html. (In Firefox browser if you right click on the page there is an option to View Page Source you can then see where the page stops. other browsers have a similar function) When viewing the page source click on the various links to .css and .js file. Are any reported as missing?

You will probably need to get a support ticket from Verio and have them contact ShopSite for help in resolving the issue. No one will be at ShopSite until Monday so try the things I mentioned above and let me know here on the forum if any of that helps. The fact that some of the buttons were not showing up is an indication that the upgrade did not complete successfully.
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Re: Add Products Not Working in Shopsite 11

Postby DaveK » Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:58 pm

Hi Jim,

When I go into the Pages screen and I am in the Advanced Editing Mode, if I select either Edit Page Content or Edit Page Layout, I just get the Shopsite top menu and the breadcrumbs and that is it. The rest of the screen is blank.

Basic mode works okay.

This is the same problem as I am having with Products, can't Add a Product or Edit a Product in Advanced Editing Mode.

I am using IE9 and have tried Chrome and Firefox. Still get the same results, so I don't think it is a browser problem.

I have also tried both Back Office Interface themes. The problem is still there.

When I view the page source on the screen that is broken, it shows all of the html code. Here is the last lines of code:
<a id="ft_l_logo" href=""><img src="" ></a>
<p id="ft_copy">&#169; 1996-2011 ShopSite, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</p>

I have read through the html code none of the .css or .js files are missing. I followed the paths on the server and they are all there. They all have a permission of 755, the owner is apache and the group is apache.

In my html directory is where my website html code is, along with the store directory.
The store directory is set to 755, with the owner as apache and the group is apache.
While my website html code and my website directories are all 755 with the owner as studio1 and group is apache.

Do you think it is an owership problem or possible a permission setting?

Verio's support has really gone downhill this year. It took me a dozen phone calls to them to get finally find a tech that knew about Shopsite 11 upgrade. With this problem, I have talked to 10 people in the last 5 days, it wasn't until today that someone move the problem up to tech 2 support. Out of the 10 people, only the guy today knew what the Advanced Editing Mode in Shopsite even was. lol. Even with me walking the techs through the screens to show them the problem, they seemed like they had never seen a Shopsite Backoffice screen.

The very first day Shopsite 11 was installed I was able to get into the Advanced Editing Mode of the Products. But something broke since then.

Thanks for the help. If you have any more ideas, please let me know.
(Monday Aug 1, I will be away from a computer most of the day, so if I don't respond, that is why)

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Re: Add Products Not Working in Shopsite 11

Postby DaveK » Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:32 pm


Hi Jim,

Just wanted to let you know that I fixed the problem myself.

I have made over 2 dozen calls to Verio as of late Sunday night. I actually talked to one guy who said he would re-install Shopsite 11 for me. When that didn't work I started thinking that since the tech at Verio had orginally installed Shopsite 11, some of the buttons where missing in the /store/shopsite-images/en-US/buttons_new. I found the new 2011 files in another part of the server directory.

Tonight, I started looking at the location I found the 2011 buttons and found the javascript directory. I compared what was in there to what was in my /store/shopsite-images/en-US/javascript area. Guess what??? They never installed the new 2011 javascripts in the right location either the first time they installed Shopsite 11 or today.

Once I moved them over myself, everything started working properly.

I gotta find a better hosting company where they know what they are doing.

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Re: Add Products Not Working in Shopsite 11

Postby Jim » Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:21 pm

Thanks for the update. Glad you got it working but it should have worked correctly the first time. Please send me a private message with your domain name and if you have any, support case numbers from Verio. I'll give the info to our account manager and have him check with his contacts at Verio and fine out what can be done to correct the install problem.
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