Commission Junction Pixel not displaying

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Commission Junction Pixel not displaying

Postby hammer » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:53 pm

Has anyone successfully integrated shopsite with the Commission Junction affiliate program. To track sales we need to have a Commission Junction image (1 pixel) pulled from their server and displayed on the shopsite thankyou.cgi page. We have added the required code and it works for a day or two then stops working completely and the pixel is missing. We have gone through this drill twice now. The integration seemed to work better before we turned on the shopsite confirmation page, but we can not determine if that is why it works for a day or two and then stops for weeks at a time.

Is anyone else working with commission junction. If yes, how have you integrated it.

We used the Shopsite Thankyou page interface to add the Commission Junction Script. Not sure if there is a better way.

I read in some old shopsite forum postings that there might be a custom shopsite API around for commission junction, but CJ doesn't seem to know about.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Commission Junction Pixel not displaying

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:59 pm

It is my understanding that with most tracking code, the code needs to be on every page. If you added the Commission Junction code to the cart, checkout and thank you screens, then turned on the confirmation page (which is a page I only suggest turning on if you absolutely have to....with every step of the checkout process you lose customers, so adding another step you are losing a few more customers), if the code is not on the confirmation page as well, the code could be just stopping. I would check to make sure that any tracking code that is needed on all pages, is found on the newly added confirmation page.
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Commission Junction Pixel not displaying

Postby loren_d_c » Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:30 pm

The CJ tracking code only needs to be on the thankyou page, it is not tracking the shopper through each page of the site, it is only concerned with the final sale and whether or not the shopper completing the sale came through a CJ link.

As far as why your custom code would be on the Thank You page one day and not the next, there is no good explanation for this except someone is removing it or someone is changing the cart templates and the new cart template does not include the template tag that would include the field your code is in on the Thank You page.

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Re: Commission Junction Pixel not displaying

Postby hammer » Mon Jul 18, 2011 12:50 pm

loren_d_c wrote:The CJ tracking code only needs to be on the thankyou page, it is not tracking the shopper through each page of the site, it is only concerned with the final sale and whether or not the shopper completing the sale came through a CJ link.

As far as why your custom code would be on the Thank You page one day and not the next, there is no good explanation for this except someone is removing it or someone is changing the cart templates and the new cart template does not include the template tag that would include the field your code is in on the Thank You page.


Hello Loren,

Thanks for the reply. I apologize for not being clear. The script (code) is in the shopsite interface for editing the Thank You Page. No one touches the code. What is happening is that ever since I turned on the confirmation page, the script runs and the pixel appears for a few days, and CJ reporting works. Then the script just stops running and the pixel does not appear on the thankyou.cgi page. CJ reporting fails.

My suspicion is that something is happening between the creation of the confirmation page and the the thank you page that is preventing the script from running or makes it run too soon.

We started using the confirmation page as it greatly cuts down on errors with orders. I hate to turn it off now, but it seems like I may have to if no solution is found.

This is the second go round with this problem.

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Re: Commission Junction Pixel not displaying

Postby hammer » Mon Jul 18, 2011 2:36 pm

Here is the script to make the commission junction pixel display and pass order information to commission junction for affiliates. As of now, it appears the script is not running and the image is never displayed. When we do a view source of the thankyou.cgi page, the script is there, but the image is not.

Where is the best place within the ShopSite Interface to put this code to make the script run and display the image when an order is completed and approved?

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.write('<img src="'+ss_subtotal+'&CID=15094&OID='+ss_ordernum+'&TYPE=3537&CURRENCY=USD&METHOD=IMG"></img>');</SCRIPT>

We tried putting this script on the edit fields for the Thank You Page but it does not run.

We are running ShopSite 10 sp2.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you
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Re: Commission Junction Pixel not displaying

Postby hammer » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:03 pm

no help on where is the best place to put a script to run on the thankyou.cgi page?
Posts: 127
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