I have over 7000 products and 141 pages on my store at www.lonepinestore.com using Shopsite Pro 10.2.
1st Question
Making even small changes is painful. When I press SAVE, a little ring whirls around up on top. Sometimes it goes through quickly. Other times I have to wait about 30 seconds and hit the SAVE again to kick it into gear. PUBLISH always takes over a minute to publish even a small change.
1st question: Is this usual??
2nd Question: The data structure on my host's server, looks peculiar but my host's techs tell me that Shopsite works that way.
The root is public_html/lonepinestore.com which is my main website.
Under this are about 8 folders including cgi-bin and lonepinestore.com again. If the root is lonepinestore.com, what is it doing inside itself.
Now it gets even weirder, inside this second lonepinestore.com are the same 8 folders again including cgi-bin and lonepinestore.com
And then there is another lonepinestore.com and it appears to repeat forever.
Any assistance would be appreciated.