payconfig.cgi and others getting 404

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payconfig.cgi and others getting 404

Postby linuxshopguy » Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:35 am

I'm setting up a new shopsite version 10 sp2 and for the most part it is working except certain portions. The most probermatic is when configuring the payment method anytime i try to save or configure a method it fails. Looking at the error logs to can't find /payconfig.cgi when in actuality it should be cgi-bin/ss/payconfig.cgi. I am running shopsite version 10 sp2 on redhat linux and apache 2. Parts of the payconfig work but some fail by calling it in / instead of out of the cgi-bin. I've had the same issue with otderhandler.cgi and billing.cgi. I was able to fix them at first with a rewrite rule in apache but payconfig.cgi does a POST which doesn't use rewrite rules. The cgi files are in the ss dir under cgi

RewriteEngine ON
RewriteRule ^/orderhandler.cgi(.*)$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^/billing.cgi(.*)$1 [R=301,L]
#RewriteRule ^/payconfig.cgi(.*)$1 [R=301,L]

any help would be appreciated.
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Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:04 am

Re: payconfig.cgi and others getting 404

Postby Jim » Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:23 am

All those cgis that you mention go to a secure url. So check that you have the proper secure url setting under Preferences > Hosting services.

When I try to go to I get a security warning with the details uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is only valid for
(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)

So you can't just create a redirect to etc because there is no such location. The redirect would need to go to something like name...

But you probably shouldn't need the redirect if you configure the proper settings in ShopSite preferences.
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Re: payconfig.cgi and others getting 404

Postby linuxshopguy » Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:08 am

Thanks for the info. I'm actually setting up a new site using a hacked host file to go to my new sites URL. The old one uses the ssl3. All of my settings in the back end point to the SSL side. The payconfig.cgi and others work for some settings but when clicking on the config for a third party payment it uses the /payconfig.cgi instead of the /cgi-bin/ss/payconfig.cgi and I can that see in the apache error logs with 404 error.

Store Settings
ShopSite Images URL:
Merchant CGIs URL:
Shopping Cart CGIs URL:
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Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2011 7:04 am

Re: payconfig.cgi and others getting 404

Postby Jim » Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:23 am

How are you getting around the fact that there is no secure certificate for I don't think there is a way in a hosts file to do that.

These two settings
Merchant CGIs URL:
Shopping Cart CGIs URL:

do not need to be secure.

Accessing secure items should be done by the settings configured in these settings.
Shopping Cart secure URL:
Secure Store URL:
ShopSite secure URL:
ShopSite Images secure URL:

Try unchecking the secure settings under preferences > Hosting services and see if that works. But I really think the problem is that there is no secure certificate for the domain. And having the two setting above secure with no secure certificate won't work. Can you go to the Orders screen ok?

What do you mean by "clicking on the config for a third party payment"? In my browser there is no change in the url from the Commerce Setup > Payment Setup to clicking on the Configure button for any payment method. There is only one <form> on the page and all inputs go to the full url (the current screen) by the post method.

If you have those Rewrite statements that you mentioned in the first post enabled try removing them as they should not be needed.
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