3rd Party Trainer Available?

General ShopSite user discussion

3rd Party Trainer Available?

Postby fhwu » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:08 pm

I am looking for someone to train myself and clients on how to use ShopSite - the admin interface / dashboard for maintenance, not the programming. Things like setting up cross-selling, customizing reports, changing shipping settings, etc. ShopSite has tutorials, but that is never the same as someone walking a group through, live via web conference or something. Does anyone know anyone who offers this?
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Re: 3rd Party Trainer Available?

Postby hhabana » Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:51 pm

Doesn't look like you got any answers. I wish Shopsite would offer some type of online class or even a workshop you can attend in some of the major cities. I think getting "locked" into using just their online help sucks. My two cents. Love the program, but support can be better offered via different methods. Example, I took an accounting class and Quickbooks at a local community college and do bookkeeping for four businesses and taxes for 3. Why not offer some type of 2 day workshop for beginners, charge an arm and leg and everybody is happy. Think about Shopsite dudes.
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Re: 3rd Party Trainer Available?

Postby fhwu » Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:45 pm

Thanks for the comment. Yep, in some ways I regret purchasing this. It's powerful, but clunky, with some fatal flaws. Would be ok if the makers were truly listening and willing to improve the product, but I haven't seen evidence of it yet.
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Re: 3rd Party Trainer Available?

Postby Jim » Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:03 pm

Where is your store hosted? If it is with a ShopSite partner they should provide support assistance.
Have you tried the various support resources listed on http://www.shopsite.com/support.html
Have you viewed the online tutorials? http://www.shopsite.com/tutorial/
If all those haven't answered your questions you could try calling the phone number listed on http://ShopSite.com/contact.html.

I will forward your remarks to the marketing team and see if they can provide you with the information you need.
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Re: 3rd Party Trainer Available?

Postby BFChris » Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:20 am

I've been working with Shopsite for over 10 years now and have assisted various employers and clients in designing, setting up, and operating their Shopsite stores, along all different steps of the process, from initial setup to customized "tweaks" to a running store.

I have given brief guided instruction to a few clients using telephone combined with online remote access software like LogMeIn.

I am also a freelance tutor, having been an elementary and special education major while in college.

I would certainly be willing to entertain the option of providing some sort of 3rd party training for Shopsite, as I may be uniquely qualified to do so. I am located in the Philadelphia, PA, area.

If anyone would like to discuss the possibility with me and clarify exactly what you are seeking, please contact me and let me know. I'll do my best to assist.

In the meanwhile, the Lexiconn tutorials:


are an excellent adjunct to Shopsites own tutorials and custom template cookbooks.

~~Barefoot Chris
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