I'm seeing something that looks like a possible bug in the displaying of images,
in the advanced menu options. Here's the buggy scenario:
Multiple items in the advanced menu, each with Image specified, but only one
selected (so only one showing in the menu after publishing). If the item select
isn't the same as the one specified as the default image (More Info Image), then
there doesn't appear to be a way to make that image display. In other words, it
only shows the default More Info Image. I'm guessing that the code needs to see
a change to the menu in order to trigger displaying that menu item's image. And
when there's only one menu item, there's never a change from one item to another.
The upshot is that the more-info image displaying doesn't match what's in the menu,
which is confusing to a shopper.
I wonder if the code could perhaps look at the state of the pull-down menu on entry
to the page?