I have discovered a problem with my shopping cart's Billing/Shipping page. Clicking on the "Review Order" button at the bottom of the page takes me nowhere.
I have followed all the steps:
1. Billing information filled in.
2. Checked the box "Shipping same as billing".
3. Credit card information filled in.
4. Validation code filled in.
Clicking "Review Order" just reloads the current page. This problem appears to only be happening in Firefox 4.
I have triple checked that all the above information is filled out correctly. I have even tried variations, like entering card information with slashes (i.e. -)
I am testing this on Windows 7. Again, this problem does not occur in other browsers like IE8.
And if it helps any, I have checked the source code. Apparently the "Review Order" button is supposed to perform some javascript: onclick="return(CheckIt(162,0));
I have gone as far as to look at the Javascript at the top of the source code, specifically the "checkit" function, and it does not check 162, which is the button in question, although it does check 68, which is tied to the "Return to Cart" button
Can someone help?