Google API Callback URL problem

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Google API Callback URL problem

Postby gene88 » Wed May 04, 2011 4:35 pm


We have been getting this message from Google:

We've made several unsuccessful attempts to send order notifications to your notification callback URL,*- As a result, you aren't receiving order status, risk, or other notifications.
To help you identify the issue with your callback URL, please review the errors we encountered while sending notifications to you. To review this error information:

We re-entered our callback url with Google but the error messages continue. AND, everytime I go into the Shopsite Google Checkout configurtation page the callback url is different. Help please?

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Re: Google API Callback URL problem

Postby Jim » Wed May 04, 2011 5:01 pm

What is different about the call back url when you go to the Configuration page? If it is just the storeid part after the '*', that is not a problem. That is an encrypted value that changes based on time and a few other parameters but will always decrypt back to the actual text version of your storeid. In your post the callback url is truncated after the '*', did you do that on purpose or is that what Google had in their error? It Google has the value truncated to just inlcude the * and nothing after it then that is a problem, as the part after the * is needed to determine which store is being used.

[Note: We use the encrypted value because on some systems (Windows for example) the storeid is the actual user on the system and you don't want to give out that information because it would make hacking into the system less complicated. Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris don't have the storeid as an actual user on the server so it isn't as much of an issue but just to be on the safe side we encrypt them all. ]
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Re: Google API Callback URL problem

Postby gene88 » Thu May 05, 2011 5:20 am

Hi Jim,

Yes, the only part of the URL that changes is after the *. (What I pasted as -).

I am still getting a continuous stream of these error messages from Google.

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Re: Google API Callback URL problem

Postby loren_d_c » Thu May 05, 2011 9:27 am


From what you originally posted, it looks like Google has more details for you on the reason they couldn't make the callback, you probably need to click that link and see what exact error they are reporting. My guess is that they don't like your host's SSL certificate. Google is very picky about the validity of the SSL certs that they will accept when making callbacks.

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Re: Google API Callback URL problem

Postby gene88 » Mon May 09, 2011 12:12 pm

Hi Loren-Jim,

My biggest problem at this point is getting my service provider to understand and fix this problem. Everything worked fine until a recent change they made on their end.

They are dense as stone with this and any other shopsite issue I bring up to them, which is the REAL issue. Shopsite is NOT cheap and I am disappointed that I have to do so much work just to keep things working.

What am I doing wrong?

Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:15 pm

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