Products by Package

General ShopSite user discussion

Products by Package

Postby bozworth » Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:51 pm

I have a requirement to create a list of products by packages.To give an example, I need a way to represent paintings in various sizes, one package would be 8 X 10, the other 11 X 16...etc. Each "package" would have different pricing. The only catch is, I don't want to hard code a product image, but rather have the image of the painting that they have selected. Is this possible in shopsite?

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Re: Products by Package

Postby Jim » Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:26 pm

Manager and Pro levels of ShopSite have "Order Option Pricing" which allows you to create options for a product that vary in price.

You could create a product "My Photo" and then have options for individual items of different sizes, packages of different sizes, mixed packages, etc and each could have it's own price. You set the base price for the product and then modify the price by using addition, multiplication, subtraction, division etc as described in the help on

So if your base price is set at $10.00 and that is for 1 - 8 x 10 You could create options for 2 - 8 * 10, 11 x 16, 1-8x10 and 1 11x16, etc The options would be as follows

8 x 10
2 - 8 x 10;*1.9
11 x 16;* 1.5
1 each 8 x 10 and 11 x 16;*2.5

The first option since it doesn't have a ; and modifier would be the base price, The second 2 8x10 would get a 10% discount or would be 19.00, the 11 x 16 would cost 1 and 1/2 as much or $15.00. The 1 each would cost 2 and 1/2 times the base rate or $25.00

It is helpful to the shopper if they know in advance what the price will be so usually using the Order option pricing you would include the cost in the options description like 11 x 16 ($15.00);*1.5 The shopper would then see 11 x 16 ($15.00) since the ;*1.5 is used internally to compute the option cost.

Another option would be to create individual products for each size and then assign them to the main product as sub products. Some of the built in templates are formulates so they show subproducts similar to the options in a pulldown list.

In either of the above ways you could use a single image for the product and have it displayed and the shopper just chooses from a pulldown which size or package they want. You can find a description of the built in templates at
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