Getting head around SSL configuration

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Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby bruce clumpner » Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:18 pm

I'm still configuring my site, new to programming and just ordered my SSL Certificate for my store last night. Looking at the SSL Security settings configuration input under Hosting Service, I'm trying to understand what is needed and why... I'm not sure where each of these imputs should point, if it will see the cgi-bin folder under the https address. What is the proper URL for these input fields? Is there a white paper somewhere I could read at so I get a better understanding?

bruce clumpner
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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:30 pm

It does depend a lot on where you are hosting (where are you hosting? or what is your store URL?). But in general, this is the format for those fields:

Secure Shopping Cart URL:
Secure Store URL:
Secure ShopSite URL:
Secure ShopSite Images URL:
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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:38 pm

See also the 'SSL Security Settings' section of the following documentation page:

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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby bruce clumpner » Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:11 pm


Thanks for the info.. my url is and it's hosted by who is running version shopsite v10.0 will the site function without anything in the cgi-bin folder that I can see.
I'll drop in the formats you've provided tonight and see what that does.

Thanks again.

bruce clumpner
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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby Jim » Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:41 pm

The secure certificate is installed for your main domain. But it is either not installed for your shopping cart cgis or it is incorrectly installed.
All of the following urls do not go through ShopSite they are just trying to access pages which should work if the secure certificate is installed correctly does resolve to a valid web page so the secure certificate is there for your store pages.
However, (which is how it is currently configured) does not give a valid page and neither does

You will need to contact your host to make sure that the cgi directories can be access through the secure urls.
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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby bruce clumpner » Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:29 am


Thanks for the detailed analysis. I've got a help ticket in with the hosting company, we'll see what they come back with. I'll forward your comments on too.

One idea is that I have not configured the shipping info for the products yet. Could the cgi scripts be erroring out because of this gap?

bruce clumpner
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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby Jim » Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:14 am

No, shipping wouldn't enter into the picture. The urls I used just go straight to the cgis and don't actually call any functions so no setting in ShopSite is used.

Based on the url I get when I add an item to the cart, your store is using a shared cgi directory. You probably need to use their shared certificate in your store instead of the one for your domain. They should be able to tell you what the url is for using the shared certificate and they should configure that in your store settings (since I think they block the Preferences > Hosting Services area where that is configured.

Note when I add an item to the cart, Air Force Academy Shield Paperweight sku 25-0124 , a warning message is displayed on the screen, "Shipping costs cannot be computed for some items in your cart. Please contact the merchant." This generally indicates that you have not specified a weight for the product so UPS, Fedex and USPS can't return a shipping cost.
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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby bruce clumpner » Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:44 pm

I do have access to the shared certificate, but I thought if I purchased my own, then everything should run under the domain's certificate. I really don't want the shared domain to appear on the site if I can help it.

What do I have to tell iPower to get this to work properly? Or is it in my configuration in the Hosting Services Preferences?

Thanks, you guys are great!
bruce clumpner
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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby Jim » Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:28 pm

It really depend on how the store is installed on the server if you can use your own secure certificate or not. Some hosts install ShopSite so many stores use the same set of cgis to save on diskspace and simplify maintenance. Often when that is the situation they don't allow for individual secure certificates to be used for the shopping cart. If that is the situation for your store you may want to see if they will move your store to a server where it can have it's own set of cgis. But you will have to talk to your host to find out if that is the case for your store..

Can you get to Preferences > Hosting Services in the back office? I know that some hosting companies owned by the same owner as iPower have removed access to that area. That is where you would configure ShopSite to use the appropriate secure urls but unless it is properly configured on the server making changes there won't fix anything and may break things.
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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby bruce clumpner » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:15 pm


iPower still lets you get to the Hosting Services configuration Here's what I have there:

Shopping Cart secure URL:
Secure Store URL:

ShopSite secure URL:
ShopSite Images secure URL:

Merchant CGIs URL:
Shopping Cart CGIs URL:

Should I change the last entries for merchant and shopping cart CGI's?
bruce clumpner
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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby loren_d_c » Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:31 pm

If your ShopSite is installed in the location, then you cannot use your own domain for the SSL security settings, you have to use Ipower's domain. So your SSL settings should be something like:

If you want to use your own SSL cert, then you will need to ask Ipower if they can install your ShopSite application to your own account instead of using that central location under

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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby bruce clumpner » Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:02 pm

That explains it... Thanks

bruce clumpner
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Re: Getting head around SSL configuration

Postby bruce clumpner » Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:21 am

My host has finally resolved the SSL url problem, and upgraded the shopsite software from V10.r7.2 to 10r7.4, but they created a couple of other issues along the way. The SSL urls now point here:

So here are the new issues I need advise on:
1) Most importantly, all the page links now look in the root directory of the domain, but the pages still reside under the /store directory. How do we fix this?
2) The table in the page layout does not constrain the product table to it's old width of 900px for the sidebar template, it just sets the width at 100% - how can I constrain to the old width to keep with our lay-out?
3) The links to all of the custom buttons are now broken. I remember these should reside in the secure folder so they can be included in the HTTPS pages, but the configuration won't let me assign a new path.

Thanks again, I though we had everything fixed with the new URL's.

bruce clumpner
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