Empty Cart after "Add"

General ShopSite user discussion

Empty Cart after "Add"

Postby seblake » Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:35 pm

Almost!! (I think...)

After I added the buttons for the cart, I "tested" it by clicking on one of the "Add to Cart" buttons...and it failed... :-( Hopefully I will do better. I could be missing something in theory as well as in practice... If you could help, I'd be appreciative.

The link: http://www.shobag.com/products.html.

Do appreciate your assistance!!

< Steve >
Posts: 4
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Re: Empty Cart after "Add"

Postby Jim » Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:45 am

You are using the same itemnum value for each of your add to cart buttons. Here is the code for the 3 buttons on that page.

In this case the product is not being added to the cart because you have removed the first product from the database so trying to add it to the cart gives the message " The selected item is no longer available "

The "itemnum=" value represents the internal database number of the product you are trying to add to the cart and in each case here it is 1. You need to get the record number for each product and substitute that for the 1.

The easiest way to do that is to use the OrderAnywhere screen and copy the html output that ShopSite generates for the product and paste that into your page. Merchandising > Order AnyWhere > Show Selected Html
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Re: Empty Cart after "Add"

Postby seblake » Mon Mar 28, 2011 1:27 pm

(Duhh...) Got it. Thank you for your time!! I found a page of tutorials - they gots WHOLE BUNCHES. I know what my plans are for the next couple of days!

Thanks, again!

< Steve >
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:45 pm

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