My store has been using Shopsite since 2002. I've always had assistance with doing the maintenance and setups from a local resource person. Due to cost restraints I've taken over the daily duties and have run into difficulty changing shipping options in our Shopsite setups.
We currently offer complimentary U.S. domestic shipping for our boots. I need to change this to $5.00 for each pair of boots sold in U.S. I also need to setup an exclusion for our glove and t-shirt orders. If a customer purchases a pair of boots with the new $5.00 shipping charge and adds any number of gloves or t-shirts to the order, there should be no additional shipping charge for these items whether one or more.
Another glitch currently is when a customer only orders one or more pair of gloves or t-shirts without a boot purchase. In this sale there should be only one $5.00 charge for one or more gloves. Right now if you order more than one pair of gloves or t-shirts, there is a $5.00 charge for each one. Three pair of gloves would cost $15.00 shipping -- they should only cost $5.00. I'm somewhat lost in determining the settings for all of this. Is there someone on the forum who has experience with these setups? Thank you. -Mike McNamee, Owner Stompers Boots --