by ShopSite Lauren » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:23 pm
There isn't a way to add additional product information to the shopping cart table of products. You would need that information to be part of the product name or SKU if you want it passed to the cart. You could just use the Ordering Options feature to setup pull downs for size and color which will be passed to the cart. The pull down menus could have one option each, so that customers cannot change the size or color, but that information would still be passed to the cart. To set this up you would go to your product, and in the "Ordering Options" section, you would add the following into the pull down menu field.
However, if you still want to use the extra product fields rather than ordering options or adding the color/size information into the product name, there are two additional options that you could use, one is the customer text entry field, or to add that information to the product name when you pass the product to the cart. For the first option, passing the information as part of the customer text entry field, you would go to Products > Edit Product Info, and in the "Ordering Options" section, you would check the checkbox to create a customer text entry field. Then in your custom product template, within the add to cart form you would add the following line of code:
[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionsBox --]<input type="hidden" name="[-- PRODUCT.Recordnumber --]:freeopt" value="[-- PRODUCT.Field1 --] [-- PRODUCT.Field2 --]">[-- END_IF --]
If you have ShopSite Pro and want to add the extra product fields to your product name, you would need to go to Products > Edit Product Info, and turn on the variable name field. Then in your custom product template, where you have the variable name feature currently (this is assuming you have copied and modified a ShopSite template, if you have completely created your own template then you would simply add in this functionality rather than replace this) you can replace it with the following line of code:
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariableName? --]
<b>[-- PRODUCT.Name --]</b> <input type="hidden" name="[--PRODUCT.RecordNumber--]:name" value="[-- PRODUCT.Name --] [-- PRODUCT.Field1 --] [-- PRODUCT.Field2 --]">
[-- ELSE --]
[-- PRODUCT.Name --]
[-- END_IF --]
- ShopSite Lauren
Contact me for help with any of your
custom ShopSite template questions.