Help with what I display

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Help with what I display

Postby vwdforums » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:23 pm


I really need help with how I display some extra fields in the Shopping cart screen. I have 2 extra fields that I populated at the bottom of each of the individual products in the Shopsite database. They contain the size and the color. I don't see a default field for size and color within the product pages so I am using the "Extra Fields" instead. Anyway, I cant' seem to figure out what the syntax would be. I just tried [-- SC_Cart quantity name [Product.Field2] price total --] but that pops an error as well. How do I add in my extra fields to display during checkout?

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Re: Help with what I display

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:23 pm

There isn't a way to add additional product information to the shopping cart table of products. You would need that information to be part of the product name or SKU if you want it passed to the cart. You could just use the Ordering Options feature to setup pull downs for size and color which will be passed to the cart. The pull down menus could have one option each, so that customers cannot change the size or color, but that information would still be passed to the cart. To set this up you would go to your product, and in the "Ordering Options" section, you would add the following into the pull down menu field.



However, if you still want to use the extra product fields rather than ordering options or adding the color/size information into the product name, there are two additional options that you could use, one is the customer text entry field, or to add that information to the product name when you pass the product to the cart. For the first option, passing the information as part of the customer text entry field, you would go to Products > Edit Product Info, and in the "Ordering Options" section, you would check the checkbox to create a customer text entry field. Then in your custom product template, within the add to cart form you would add the following line of code:
[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionsBox --]<input type="hidden" name="[-- PRODUCT.Recordnumber --]:freeopt" value="[-- PRODUCT.Field1 --] [-- PRODUCT.Field2 --]">[-- END_IF --]

If you have ShopSite Pro and want to add the extra product fields to your product name, you would need to go to Products > Edit Product Info, and turn on the variable name field. Then in your custom product template, where you have the variable name feature currently (this is assuming you have copied and modified a ShopSite template, if you have completely created your own template then you would simply add in this functionality rather than replace this) you can replace it with the following line of code:
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariableName? --]
<b>[-- PRODUCT.Name --]</b> <input type="hidden" name="[--PRODUCT.RecordNumber--]:name" value="[-- PRODUCT.Name --] [-- PRODUCT.Field1 --] [-- PRODUCT.Field2 --]">
[-- ELSE --]
[-- PRODUCT.Name --]
[-- END_IF --]
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Help with what I display

Postby vwdforums » Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:01 pm

Hi Lauren,

Thank you so much for getting back to me! I really need to get this resolved soon. First off I should tell you that the front end of this website is tied to the backend with
<option value="*16fc84fe018b60c907ada54f59&amp;dbname=products&amp;itemnum=2568&amp;function=add"> coding. Since we didn't really understand Shopsite that well in the beginning and it was already setup that way we just left it that way. I tried to make heads or tails of the Anywhere options at the time but couldn't get it to work with the custom front end. Therefore I don't see your first option as a choice at the moment. However I really liked option 2 but I'm trying to understand where I would put the coding you provided once I checked the box for variable name. I do have a custom template setup for the shopping cart screen.

So are you saying it would look like this?

<td align="right">
<div class="scbody">
[-- SC_Cart quantity name price total --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariableName? --]
<b>[-- PRODUCT.Name --]</b> <input type="hidden" name="[--PRODUCT.RecordNumber--]:name" value="[-- PRODUCT.Name --] [-- PRODUCT.Field1 --] [-- PRODUCT.Field2 --]">
[-- ELSE --]
[-- PRODUCT.Name --]
[-- END_IF --]

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Re: Help with what I display

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:22 pm

The tags that I provided would be in the product template. There is no way to add this directly to the shopping cart page, you would need to add it to the product. The very first option that I mentioned, putting the field 1 and field 2 in as ordering options is something that you could do without programming, you would simply need to download your products database in Excel and move the product field 1 and product field 2 into the ordering options pull down menu field. The options would then be passed to the cart.

If you do not want to use the option outlined above, and you are using OrderAnywhere (or some variation of OrderAnywhere where your pages and add to cart buttons are hard coded on your website outside of ShopSite) then you would need to also hard code these options onto your pages outside of ShopSite. The options that I outlined, using the text field or using the variable name option are both with the assumption that you are using custom templates to build your website and that ShopSite can update products. With OrderAnywhere, ShopSite cannot update your add to cart buttons. The extra product fields are only available for product templates.

To hardcode this functionality into your OrderAnywhere buttons (I haven't tested this but it should work) you can use either of the options below (note I am just going to type "size" and "color" but you would want to fill in the appropriate size and color)

If you have enabled the customer text entry field:
<option value="*16fc84fe018b60c907ada54f59&amp;dbname=products&amp;itemnum=2568&amp;2568:freeopt=size-color&amp;function=add">

If you have enabled the variable name field:
<option value="*16fc84fe018b60c907ada54f59&amp;dbname=products&amp;itemnum=2568&amp;2568:name=name-of-product-size-color&amp;function=add">
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Help with what I display

Postby vwdforums » Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:39 pm

Hi Lauren,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly and for all the help you have provided. I'm just so new to Shopsite that I'm really struggling with this trying to figure it out. I think I am still missing something. I did check the box for variable product name on one product to test. However, I do not have a custom template for the products in place. The only custom template is the shopping cart. I did try the hardcoding of

<option value="*16fc84fe018b60c907ada54f59&amp;dbname=products&amp;itemnum=3420&amp;3420:name=DRESS 4 Navy&amp;function=add">

but that did not work. Do I have to do a products template to make this work?

Thanks Again
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Re: Help with what I display

Postby vwdforums » Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:03 pm

Hi Lauren,

So I think I figure out a easier way to do this. I simply put the size and color in the "Order Options Description" field for each product. It does show up in the Shopping Cart screen but does not show up on the billing screen. So this would work if I can get it to show up on the billing screen. I would think by default it would pass the "order options" all the way through but it doesn't. I need to get this resolved ASAP. I appreciate you quick replies.

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Re: Help with what I display

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:31 am

Yes, the ordering options are passed through the cart (checkout, thank you and emails) if the product has ordering options, but the way you are describing it you do not have ordering options, only the ordering option description. So the ordering options field is not passed through to the cart. You can move the information to the ordering option pull down menu field. Then you can go to Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping Cart, and check the checkbox to say that the ordering options cannot be changed (I think this is a Pro only feature). This will make it so that the regular pull down menu is instead just displayed as text, so from a shoppers point of view, it will look the same as if you have the text in the ordering options description field.
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Help with what I display

Postby vwdforums » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:39 am

Hi Lauren,

I tried this but it did not work. If I uncheck the box I do see the info but it does have the drop (so a bit unprofessional). There is nothing else in the drop but I do see the info. So I really don't have this one solved yet since I don't want the drop to appear because it confuses the user. On another note I am going to need someone for help beyond this issue on a small project. The client is wanting to export the orders to a warehouse where they will process the info in an automated fashion. Of course they are after this to happen immediately. I'm not sure what's involved with this. I do have 4 spreadsheets stating the format the data should be in that the 3rd party warehouse company sent me and the site is currently at a hosting company. Is this something you can help me out with? If not can you point me in the right direction.

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Re: Help with what I display

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:45 am

I am not a developer so I cannot answer the second question. You may want to contact Guy Pribyl at ShopSite, 801-705-4119. He works with many developers and could point you in the direction of a developer would could write a custom add-on module for passing the information from ShopSite to a third-party application.

For your first issue, I said to CHECK the checkbox, not uncheck it. Yes, unchecking it will display the pull down menus. So for your solution, you should move the text in the order options description field to the order options pull down field, and CHECK the checkbox that the options cannot be changed.
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Help with what I display

Postby vwdforums » Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:12 am

Hi Lauren,

Thanks for the info on Guy. I will contact him. In regards to the check box I did check it after I moved the data to the Options menu. When I check it they do not show up in the shopping cart screen at all. I wish they did becuse that would solve that issue but they don't and I am using Pro V10. Any ideas why they are not showing up when I check the box that they cannot change the options now that i have moved the data?

Thanks so much for your help!
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Re: Help with what I display

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:29 pm

You're right, it looks like you need to actually have options in order for the "options cannot be changed" to work. So what you would do, is leave the text in the product ordering option pull down field on one line, then add a second line that can just have a non-option. For example, your pull down menu field would look like this:

Small Red

The default option, "Small Red" would always be the one selected, so that will be the one that is always in the cart, and customers will not have the option of changing it.

If you want to do this in bulk, you can download the products database, and using Microsoft Excel, you can add |n|none to the end of the pull down menu field for all products that have text in the pull down menu field.
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Help with what I display

Postby vwdforums » Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:33 pm

Thanks for getting back to me. I will try shortly. Right now I downloaded orders and sent them to warehouse to see if the format works for them for their system. Once I know if I can keep color, size and style in the product options format then I will try what you suggested. If not I will have to revert back to the variable products idea that we talked about earlier. Once I know this all works I will need Guy to help me automate it. So if they are o.k with the format I'll try what you suggested to see if that works.

Thanks for all your help Lauren. You've been great!
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