Access checkout button in checkout screen

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Access checkout button in checkout screen

Postby boilermaker73 » Mon Mar 07, 2011 10:50 pm

After having spent considerable time in perusing the css files in an attempt to access and hide the checkout button in the checkout screen, I'm beginning to think that there is really no way to accomplish this task. The code I have been using and experimenting with thus far from inside a number of css files pertaining to the checkout button is:

tbody input.button8 {

For those who may be interested, my reason for wanting to do this is in the event a problem should develop with my merchant account/gateway, I can then hide the checkout button and continue with Google checkout.

As such, this is my last resort in an effort to see if I may have possibly overlooked something in the way of finding the correct css file/s in order to accomplish this task or whether this requires editing one of the .cgi files, i.e., order.cgi file, in which event I am SOL. Incidentally, I am presently working with ShopSite Starter 10 SP2.

Thank you ahead of time. :wink:
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Re: Access checkout button in checkout screen

Postby boilermaker73 » Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:29 am

Problem resolved by simply disabling the credit card selections under the 'Payment' selection options.

My next problem is, while there is provision to easily remove the 'Home', 'View Cart' and 'Your Shopping Cart' text from the Pre-Checkout Screen, interestingly enough, I'm left with a '|' character where 'Home' was, and upon removing the 'Your Shopping Cart' text, I'm left with a '>' plus the cross bar totally disappears from the screen. This obviously has to do with poor coding inside a .css file for both the 'Home' and 'Your shopping cart' text links. Anyone have any thoughts on what can be done to address this matter? :roll:
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Re: Access checkout button in checkout screen

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:25 am

What shopping cart template are you using (what ShopSite theme are you using)? Also, how did you remove the links in the template. If you simply deleted the text in the fields under preferences > store text > store pages, then the links are still there, they just don't have text. This is why the pipe bar is still there (it probably follows the link, and since the link is still there the pipe bar is still there), and with the bracket, I would need to see the code to see how it was removed to see why the bracket is still there for the your shopping cart link.

My suggestion, if you want to modify the shopping cart look and feel, is to use the Plain theme in ShopSite, then add your own code to the header and footer fields on the shopping cart page. This gives you a lot of flexibility on the look and feel of the cart without going into the templates (which is not available in ShopSite Starter).
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Re: Access checkout button in checkout screen

Postby boilermaker73 » Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:34 pm

I am presently using ShopSite Starter 10 SP2 (mentioned in my initial post). No theme, I am just interested in using the cart, pre-purchase order screen, etc., as I have a website and do all the hard coding, i.e., HTML, CSS, Javascript, etc.., on my own. While it's readily apparent that the starter version poses a lot of limitations and, rightly so since it's Free, as you have commented above, 'I would need to see the code to see how it was removed to see why the bracket is still there for the your shopping cart link'. if I could access the code, I could easily fix this problem on my own but, unless you can show me otherwise, such is not the case given that ShopSite uses compiled CGI files. To be honest, this is simply poor programming in allowing certain text links to be removed from inside the control panel by the end user if, in fact, it's going to result in leaving junk text/active links behind as well as removing images from the pre-purchase screen in the process.

It's not like I am asking, much less looking, to build a complete store front with an attractive theme containing all the bells and whistles, far from it. As I have spent considerable time online researching shopping carts (majority include a store front for those who are not code smart), I am just looking to save myself some time in finding a suitable shopping cart that I can easily integrate into my website without having to reinvent the wheel. As I've also spent considerable time looking at a number of scripts for accomplishing this task, I have to admit that I am just about ready to give up and write my own! If by chance you think I am missing something, please don't hesitate to let me know. In the meantime, I will take another look to see what, if anything, I may have overlooked that may be available to me from inside the control panel. :roll:
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Re: Access checkout button in checkout screen

Postby boilermaker73 » Tue Mar 08, 2011 11:11 pm

I just checked and I would have to able to access the worldconf.cgi file that resides inside the ss subfolder in order to address/correct this problema. Needless to say, this is not going to happen. Maybe I can ask someone from the Shopsite team to do this for me. After all, all they can say is, NO! :lol:
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Re: Access checkout button in checkout screen

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:26 am

When using ShopSite, you have to select a theme, even if you are just using the shopping cart pages, you still need to select a theme so that ShopSite knows how to format the shopping cart pages. It sounds like you are not using the default/Plain theme, because the Plain theme does not have the links that you mentioned above, "Home" "View Cart" and "Your Shopping Cart." Also, ShopSite does not have a way for you to remove links from within the control panel, which is why I was wondering how you are trying to go about removing those links.

I would like to refer you to my original answer, you can select to use the Plain theme in ShopSite (Preferences > Themes), then add your own HTML code to the header and footer fields. What you would be essentially doing is wrapping your page look and feel around the ShopSite shopping cart information. So in the "text at the top of the shopping cart screen" you would include the code for your header, and any left navigation that you want, then you would start your main content area, such as opening your main content DIV, or starting your main content table and main cell. Then in the "text at the bottom of the shopping cart screen" you would close your main content area (close your DIV or cell and table), and finish out the code on the page including your footer. Many merchants use this option because it allows you to customize the shopping cart pages without going into the templates (editing the templates themselves is something that is only available in ShopSite Manager and ShopSite Pro). Below is the link which describes this process in more detail.
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Re: Access checkout button in checkout screen

Postby boilermaker73 » Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:15 am

Thank you for the reply. I really didn't think, much less realize, about changing to a default theme as I initially thought that I could just chose any theme to meet my needs and then apply a purple bg in order to get the Pre-purchase screen (for using the shopping cart only) to match the color of my site. Sounds like a plan and I'll be sure to read what you have suggested in order to make this work. Thanks again for the advise.
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