by Jim » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:26 pm
For the Add to cart image /shopsite-images/en-GB/buttons/sleek-blue/addtocart.png. When I try to view the actual image I get an error: (403 Permission Denied
You do not have permission for this request /shopsite-images/en-GB/buttons/sleek-blue/addtocart.png
This means there is a problem with your install. The images should be off or your root domain. The webserver needs to be able to access and display image in that directory. So have whoever installed the store check the permissions for the directory /shopsite-images/en-GB/buttons/sleek-blue/ and make sure they are set so the webuser can access them.
As for other images I see some being called by the url "https://en-us/backgrounds/shared/3col-3-blue.jpg" Note that there is no domain name specified. It looks like you have the wrong ShopSite images secure url specified under Preferences> Hosting service. When I go to your domain name as a secure url (https:/ I get a message saying the secure certificate is only valid for domain names with in them. So you should contact Bluehost and find out how to access your website through their shared secure certificate . Then use that url as the secure url under Preferences > Hosting services.