Google Shopping Feeds - Custom Attributes?

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Google Shopping Feeds - Custom Attributes?

Postby Jeff » Sat Jan 29, 2011 10:55 am

I'm learning how to implement Google Shopping data feeds via Shopsite. SS handles the basic feeds well; our product pictures are now showing up in some searches.

In addition to the basic feed, Google allows for the use of Custom Attributes fields for merchants to add additional keywords to trigger searches. How does one do that in SS? I presume we have to create a SS "extra product field" to hold our additional keywords. I found one place online that said such a field had to be called "custom_attributes." Is that true?

Do i enter each custom attribute in the extra product field following this example?
"String Type: Any Text String
Example: c:favorite_movie:string
Example Value: Total Recall"

I see a lot of people on the web struggling to add Custom Attributes to feeds and it doesn't help that Google itself has been fiddling with Google base/Froogle/Merchant Center for several years. Some of their info is outdated.

Am I on the right track? Would appreciate any help.

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Re: Google Shopping Feeds - Custom Attributes?

Postby Jim » Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:01 pm

ShopSite will send whatever name you specify for the Custom/Extra product field (under Preferences > Extra fields) as the attribute name. It will send whatever value you assign to the field on the Edit Product screen as the value of the attribute. I don't know what attribute names Google has available but they probably have them listed somewhere on their site. Make sure you enable sending any attributes you want on the Merchandising > Google Services > Product Search > Configure
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Re: Google Shopping Feeds - Custom Attributes?

Postby Jeff » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:47 pm

Learned more about Google Shopping search feeds. There are six "required fields" such as "title", "price" and "condition" (i.e. new or used). SS handles those automatically.

There are also about 20 "recommended" attributes useful for specific products. If you want to feed some of those attributes you can use an SS Extra Product Field. The field must be named one of the names allowed by G. I set up one called "color" and one called "feature." I've been using the later field to stuff in a few keyword phrases, but both fields have a limit of 10 entries. When you feed your data you have to check the box in SS next to the fields you want to include.

For even more flexibility, G offers "custom attributes" which can include almost anything. I wanted to use such a field to include keyword phrases, synonyms etc that don't appear in our page text. I've now been told that SS doesn't support custom attribute fields and they're not currently working on adding that capability. For us that omission is no big deal.

Lexiconn's Blog has an excellent tutorial on Google Product Search complete with screen shots. It is specific to books and and electronics but should be helpful to anyone doing their first G feed. The Lexiconn article doesn't touch on custom attributes.

Thanks to Rich and the gang at Lexiconn who were helpful and prompt as always.
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Re: Google Shopping Feeds - Custom Attributes?

Postby commerceking » Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:15 am

Jim wrote:ShopSite will send whatever name you specify for the Custom/Extra product field (under Preferences > Extra fields) as the attribute name. It will send whatever value you assign to the field on the Edit Product screen as the value of the attribute. I don't know what attribute names Google has available but they probably have them listed somewhere on their site. Make sure you enable sending any attributes you want on the Merchandising > Google Services > Product Search > Configure

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