Shipping Cost Issue

General ShopSite user discussion

Shipping Cost Issue

Postby alfie » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:13 am

I have an issue regarding shipping cost. I have items that the shipping cost for both east and west coasts is $100.00. I've tried to adjust the weight to 70lbs but the shipping cost is $67.08. I also tried to adjust the weight to 71lbs but the shipping cost is $132.00.. Too far from $100.00. How i can resolve this issue?

Comments are appreciated. :D
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Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:37 pm

Re: Shipping Cost Issue

Postby Jim » Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:22 am

What shipping method are you using? The built in UPS shipping method or one of the ShopSite shipping options such as Ship by Weight?

If you are using the built in USP shipping method it uses actual rates supplied by UPS, which depend on where it is being shipped from and to based on their zip code.

Using the ShopSite Ship by Weight method you could set certain pound levels and base the shipping costs on that.
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Re: Shipping Cost Issue

Postby alfie » Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:50 pm

I am using built in UPS Shipping method sir.. Our items have different shipping costs.


Item 1: $10.00 shipping cost for both east and west coasts
Item 2: $20.00 shipping cost for both east and west coasts
Item 3: $75.00 shipping cost for both east and west coasts
Item 4: $100.00 shipping cost for both east and west coasts
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:37 pm

Re: Shipping Cost Issue

Postby Jim » Sun Jan 16, 2011 8:43 pm

If you have rates that are specific values like
Item 1: $10.00 shipping cost for both east and west coasts
Item 2: $20.00 shipping cost for both east and west coasts
Item 3: $75.00 shipping cost for both east and west coasts
Item 4: $100.00 shipping cost for both east and west coasts

Then they are more than likely not UPS rates since UPS charges based on the weight, destination zip, origination zip and possibly package size.

To charge shipping such as you describe try using the ShopSite Base Plus Shipping method. This allows you to set a minimum weight for an order (which could be 0.00) plus a shipping charge that you set on each product's Edit Product Info screen (note the field does not appear on that screen until you choose that shipping method on the Commerce Setup > Shipping screen.)
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