Continue Shopping and Registration/Sign In

General ShopSite user discussion

Continue Shopping and Registration/Sign In

Postby silken » Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:18 pm

We applied shopsite to our already existing website so we are using 'order anywhere' buttons. Anyway, as long as a customer adds items to the cart, if they then choose to continue shopping it is no problem...they just hit the button and go back. But if they register or sign in at any time while they are shopping (typically, they will add an item which is the first time they will be at the cart for that session, then they log in and continue to shop) then if they hit the continue shopping button it takes them to the 'home page'. Is there any way to change this? It is significantly discouraging for sales!
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Re: Continue Shopping and Registration/Sign In

Postby loren_d_c » Tue Jan 04, 2011 2:37 pm

Sounds like you may have placed incorrect registration URLs on your store pages. If you have them going through registration.cgi, then that would cause a problem like you describe. Try going to the Commerce Setup -> Customer Registration -> Configure menu and look through the JavaScript code in the 'Customer Registration Link' field to find the 4 links for the 4 different registration options you can have on your store pages. They links should all go through order.cgi and end with a parameter like "html_reg=html".

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