Display SKUs when subproducts are asssigned

General ShopSite user discussion

Display SKUs when subproducts are asssigned

Postby mmg2112 » Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:12 am

Having trouble getting the SKU to display with products that have sub-products assigned. All of our products that do NOT have sub-products assigned show the SKU just fine.

All products have the "Check here to display the SKU of this product" checkmark but those with sub-products do not show the SKU.

Using the included "graphic over text" product template which cannot be edited I discovered. :shock: I suspect a new custom product template can be edited to force the SKU to display? Any ideas on how to use the included "graphic over text" template as a starting point for a new custom template?

Many thanks in advance for any help offered!
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:43 am

Re: Display SKUs when subproducts are asssigned

Postby Jim » Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:47 am

The "graphic over text" template is one of the old C-code based templates that as you mentioned can't be edited. I don't think it has ever been duplicated in a template language based template.

The only way to duplicate it would be to view the source of a page that has a product using that template and look at the HTML code generated for the product and then replace the output of the various product fields with the appropriate template tags. This may be fairly simple to do if you are always using the same fields and they can be relied on to have data in them. The complexity of the template increases drastically if you have some products with different features such as some with sku, some without; some with image some with out; some on sale some not etc.

Have you tried using any of the other templates to see if they have the features you want?

Can you give us a link to a page in your store that has a product with all the fields you need for both the product and the subproducts.
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Re: Display SKUs when subproducts are asssigned

Postby mmg2112 » Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:27 pm

Thank you, Jim. That is a terrific suggestion. It had not occurred to me to reverse engineer the template. The client's site is actually very dated looking so a new product template should be part of the job anyway.

Many thanks for the idea.
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2010 12:43 am

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