Number of Products Per Page

General ShopSite user discussion

Number of Products Per Page

Postby EasternOregonLeather » Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:13 pm

I am not able to find out where to set the number of products to display per page. I want only 10 products per page and then "Next Page". I know where to adjust columns, but not number of items per page.

I find the Shopsite Help Files to be very confusing and I am not able to find the answer to this question. Any direction would be appreciated.

My version is ShopSite® Manager 10 sp1 r1s
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:08 pm

Re: Number of Products Per Page

Postby Jim » Fri Oct 29, 2010 2:39 pm

The feature is called Pagination (or Automatic Multiple Page Generation in the feature comparison chart) and is a Pro level store feature only. If you had a Pro level store you would find it on the Pages > Edit Page Layout screen near the bottom. You can simulate this in a Manager store by creating multiple pages and assigning X number of products to each page. Name the pages and add an _1, _2 etc to the page file name. You can create link to the other pages and simulate the Previous - Next functionality.

To see a comparison of the features in Pro, Manager, Starter go to
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