Sagepay / Protx upgrade Cart no longer working.

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Sagepay / Protx upgrade Cart no longer working.

Postby arta!!ack » Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:38 am


Sagepay our online payments provider here in the UK have upgraded this weekend and Shopsite is no longer connecting to them to take the payments.

When a customer clicks the SUBMIT button we get an internal server error.

I have of course been in touch with them and they say that nothing is reaching them at all.

We cannot take orders at all now and we are stuck.

ShopSite® Pro 10 r7.1

I have checked with our hosts to see if there could be a problem with them.

This is what they got back to me with.

Sagepay have gone under a lot of changes of the past few months. Have you ensured that the payment urls now use '' as opposed to the older and now decomissioned '' urls.

If you have any ideas.

We do sell toys and cannot take orders at the moment.

I have never been keen on the word `upgrade`.

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Re: Sagepay / Protx upgrade Cart no longer working.

Postby Jim » Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:07 am

If Sagepay says nothing is reaching them then check your Sagepay/Protx settings under Commerce Setup > Payment and compare the Host setting with what they say it should be and make sure it is in the Live mode not the Test mode. Also check the Port setting to make sure it is 443. This port should normally be open so activity can go through it but you might want to see if your host has closed the port for some reason.

Once a payment gateway makes change to their interface all bets are off if you are running an old version of software which is trying to access it. They may at any time stop supporting the old interface and it will leave you without their service. ShopSite tries to keep up with changes gateways make but unless you keep up with patches and upgrades to ShopStie you can't expect the service to keep working.

In the ShopSite knowledgebase article found at
it lists one fix for Protx.
Fixed card type sent to the Protx payment gateway (UK) when a shopper selected the Maestro payment type.

You should make sure that your store has all the patches for ShopSite v10 r1 applied. When you do the backoffice version number will be v10 r7.2

ShopSite 10 r1 was released in Jan 2009 so it is over 1 1/2 years old. The current version of ShopSite is 10 sp2 r2. You should contact your host to have them upgrade your store to that version so you can be sure you have the latest fixes for payment gateways, security fixes and new features.
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Re: Sagepay / Protx upgrade Cart no longer working.

Postby arta!!ack » Mon Oct 25, 2010 8:07 am

Thanks Jim

I will do an upgrade to the latest version, I have had it for some time now just not implemented it, although I did this earlier in the year and had problems again with the payments not working so I quickly reverted back to the original and decided to leave well alone.

I did go through the settings with them this morning. 4pm UK time now so I will upgrade Tuesday.

I remember the Maestro issue I had to get in touch about that and an emergency patch was made available.

I will upgrade Tuesday and see how we go and report back.

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Re: Sagepay / Protx upgrade Cart no longer working.

Postby arta!!ack » Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:36 am

Hi Jim.

I have updated to the SP2 version and now it is working.

I think the issue is the change of url for protx / Sagepay.

The older version of Shopsite for the Sagepay / Protx in the payments section the host was

In the newer version of shopsite the Host is

When installing the upgrade I did get 11 errors not sure if they are an issue but things are working for now.

Code: Select all
[global.aa.old]   Error creating [/home/hsphere/local/home/jstott/]!

Problem with path (/home/hsphere/local/home/jstott/
Updating en-GB...
   Creating [/home/hsphere/local/home/jstott/]...

Thanks for your help Jim.

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Re: Sagepay / Protx upgrade Cart no longer working.

Postby Jim » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:16 am

That particular error shouldn't cause a problem. The en-GB would be a link to the en-US directory since we don't have a separate English translation of text for Great Britain from United States English.

What were the other errors or were they all similar to that one?
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Re: Sagepay / Protx upgrade Cart no longer working.

Postby arta!!ack » Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:28 am

Hi Jim.

9 of the errors were similar to the above post.

These are the other two.

Code: Select all
[arthur] Error opening file '/home/hsphere/local/home/jstott/'.

    Added fields to sbdata.aa
    Added fields to world.aa
   Creating [/home/hsphere/local/home/jstott/]...

[arthur]   Error creating [/home/hsphere/local/home/jstott/]!

Problem with path (/home/hsphere/local/home/jstott/

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Re: Sagepay / Protx upgrade Cart no longer working.

Postby Jim » Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:40 am

It almost looks like that directory did not exist or had permission such that install couldn't write to it. By default all the en-XX directories are symlinks to the en-US directory which contains the actual files. So the files would have been updated when the en-US directory was updated. There are 10 total directories/symlinks counting the en-US so if you got 9 errors it would have been those 9 symlinks that were causing the errors.

The copylist mentioned contains a list of files that are to be copied from the en-XX directory to the store's data directory when a different Locale is chosen in the backoffice. Since they are currently all the same it won't make any difference which are copied so they are all symlinked to the same location. However, if you make changes to text strings in your store backoffice and then change locales the files in the copylist would be copied over top of your modifications setting them back to the default values.
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