I have an issue where the distributor of the products in Shopsite requires all the potential buyers be prescreened as legitimate customers before given access to the store (mostly to protect their posted pricing from competitors). The main site is open to the public, and we use the Htaccess editor to password protect the /Store directory. Once they call in we give them a login and password for that and enter it into the htaccess data list. Then, of course, they also have the issue of Shopsite registration, which is different and they do themselves. The issue is that people are getting confused, and hate the dual logins. We are losing traffic, and gaining frustration. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Is there a better work around? Scripts? custom templates? I don't work enough with Shopsite to know where to go. We would love one login for everything and be done with it.
Thanks in advance!
Chris Cooley