what version of shopsite do you have?
I recently attempted to do the same thing with v4.1 and was unsuccessful
with excel, but totally succesful with Access. When you select download
database in v4.1 it spits out the data into the browser window itself and
the only way i could get it to text file was to copy/paste to notepad. One
my first attempt this was impossible because of my computer's memory
limitations (the database was too big for my computer to handle a paste!),
but when my company upgraded it systems I able to paste it to notepad.
After that, it was just a matter of renaming the file to .tab so Access
recognizes it as a tab delimited file. I was able to open the file directly
into access, complete the import data wizard, and voila. As far as why it
stops at 18 items for your case... i dunno... I just hope my experience
helps any.
"CG" <cgalvez@blissweddings.com> wrote in message
So, I downloaded our Orders text file. I'm trying to import the text file
into Excel and/or MS Access to massage the data and run custom reports.
However, Excel and MS Access craps out when it tries to import a customer
order with more than 18 line items.
Anyone experience the same problem?
Bliss! Weddings Market