by Jim » Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:01 pm
Paypal has many options and the naming conventions and policies don't always make it clear which is which.
I am assuming that you mean PayPal WebSites Payment Pro and not PayPal Payflow Pro?
If that is the case the there are 2 types of API credentials, API signature or API SSL client-side certificate.
A paypal account can only be set to use one of these. Is your PayPal account used with multiple stores, ShopSite or otherwise? If so you must use the same type of API credentials in all stores. Which type of API credentials are you using?
For either type of credential go to PayPal and log in. Click the My account tab. Then click on the Profile link which will bring up a Profile Summary Page. in the Account Information column click "API Access" link. On the next screen in the Option 2 section click the Request API credentials link.
Now you need to know which method you are going to use. Click either the Request API signature or Request API Certificate radio button according to which you want to use. The API Certificate was the first one they implemented and is what ShopSite originally used. They later added the API signature and that was added to ShopSite. So depending on which version of ShopSite you have, you will have fields for just the API certificate method or both methods. Once you have selected the appropriate radio button and have read the API License Agreement and Terms of Use click the Agree and Submit.
If you choose the API Signature method you will see the credentials which consist of the API Username, API Password and Signature.
If you choose the API Certificate method you will see the credentials which consist of API Username, API Password and a button to Download Certificate. Click the Download Certificate button and save the file to your local machine. Also copy the Username and Password.
Now on the ShopSite config screen for PayPal WebSites Payment Pro screen fill in the Merchant email address, API Username, API Password with the info from the PayPal site.
If you choose to use the API Certificate click the radio button for that option and paste the content of the certificate you downloaded into the API Certificate field. Make sure that you only copy the certificate and do not include any leading or trailing spaces. It should start with
and end with
with no spaces or carriage returns after that line.
If you choose to use the API signature click that radio button and enter the API Signature from PayPal in the API Digital Signature field.
Again there must be no leading or trailing spaces on the username, password certificate or signature lines.
Enter any other configuration you need in the Express Checkout Settings and click Save changes.
You should then be able to place PayPal orders. Note: if you use the PayPal Website Payments Pro method you must also have the PayPal Express Checkout option available to shoppers so the PayPal Express Checkout box must be checked.l
Note: I followed the steps in the help at and they were clear enough to follow. The problem I had was finding and following PayPal's instructions on PayPal's site to get to the various options.