Add a Variable Item/Field to the Checkout Cart

General ShopSite user discussion

Add a Variable Item/Field to the Checkout Cart

Postby newfound99 » Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:03 pm

I have a client that would like to add the ability to add a donation amount when checking out, on the checkout page.

I have set up a variable priced product for the donation, and that works fine when added as a product would be... but is there a way to create a link to that product on the checkout page itself.

Ideally I'd like customers to shop for their products and then when in the checkout page, they'd have the option to add a donation to the cart, and specify that amount.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

(I am on the latest version of shopsite)
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Joined: Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:59 pm

Re: Add a Variable Item/Field to the Checkout Cart

Postby Jim » Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:00 am

The variable price product will require a form of its own since it will be submitting different information and possibly a url than the other buttons on the cart screen. So make sure you have that form outside of the one that the cart uses. You will have to look at the template that you are using to find a place where you can put the variable price product form so it won't interfere with the main cart form. You could just include a link to a page that has the donation form on it and then the shopper can fill the donation amount on that page directly ant the form will then go to the cart.
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