help-converting images from ftp to shopsite

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help-converting images from ftp to shopsite

Postby courtney828 » Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:24 pm

We uploaded all our images into the ftp server. How do we quickly convert into shopsite and reset attributes? Or is it just as well to upload one at a time into shopsite? I pointed into the right directory but the image is large. The person who set up the site must have had an easier way.
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Re: help-converting images from ftp to shopsite

Postby Jim » Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:38 pm

Go to Images > Configure and set the image sizes that you want.
Then go back to the Images screen and select all the images and click the Create Resized Images button.
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Re: help-converting images from ftp to shopsite

Postby courtney828 » Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:47 pm

Thanks for the quick reply but how do I get shopsite to see the images in the ftp folder. Somehow I am just missing something obvious
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Re: help-converting images from ftp to shopsite

Postby Jim » Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:56 pm

You must ftp the images to the store's media directory. You can find out where that is by going to Preferences > Hosting Services and in the bottom section, Hosting Service Configuration, the path is specified in the Media Directory: field.

You must also set the permissions and ownership of the files so that the webserver can access them. If you already have some images in your media directory that were uploaded through ShopSite, you should use the same permissions and owner as those files have. Your ftp client should be able to change the permissions to those required but if not then you will need to have shell access (telnet or remote server, etc) to the server with rights to modify file permissions.
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Re: help-converting images from ftp to shopsite

Postby courtney828 » Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:56 pm

got it -thanks. Can I select all and it will not mess up all the existing ones?
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Re: help-converting images from ftp to shopsite

Postby Jim » Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:07 pm

It would change the size of all the alreasy resized images to what ever sizes you have currently configured. So if you had some resized to a different size and you change the resize settings and then select and resize them the old sizes would be lost and all would be the same sizes.

Note that resizing does not change the original image size unless you have specified a Max width and Max height in the Image Layout Defaults section AND you upload the images from within ShopSite and check the "Create resized images" check box at the time the image is uploaded.
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