Lets say you are using subproducts for sizes/colors. (Example a jacket)
The sizes and colors are displayed in a dropdown.
Is there a way to have the product name of the master product appended to the product name of the subproduct when it enters the cart?
Example, the master product (which cant be ordered) has the name Acme Adventurer Jungle Hat. The subproduct has the name Camo Large.
Currently, when we add a product such as that to the cart we only see the subproducts name. Which in this case is Camo Large, rather than Acme Adventurer Jungle Hat Camo Large.
I did experiment with the settings under, commerce -> order system -> shopping cart and then checking and unchecking the Display subproducts without parent name: setting.
Checking and unchecking that setting made no difference.
Or, would it be possible to use one of the custom fields to insert the products name. For example, we could use one of the extrafields that is associated with each subproduct and put in the masters product name.
Belden Motosport