by ShopSite Lauren » Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:58 am
It looks like your product names are in H1 tags, as well as font and bold tags. Although one of your font tags specifies the red color (I assume this is in the product name field itself because it displays red in the cart), it is being overridden by your stylesheet. In your stylesheet you have a line of code which specifies that the headers, H1, should be a dark gray color.
.content h1{ font-weight: normal; color:#666; padding-left:5px; margin:5px 0;}
If you remove the color:#666 from your CSS this should fix the issue so that your font tag specifying the color is not being overridden.
For your second question, it looks like this is resolved because when I add this product to the cart, the name of each field is aligned correctly. However, if they are not aligned how you would like them, you can use the following classes to align them how you would like using CSS.
- ShopSite Lauren
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